Major Court cases 1877 to present day

  • Civil Rights Cases

    This was an argument over the first and second section of the Civil Rights Act passed in 1876.
  • Plessy vs Ferguson

    This was a court cases arguing over whether passegner cars on railway lines should be segregated or not.
  • Northern Securities Co. vs United States

    This case is about a government suit involving the railroads in complaint of violating the Sherman Anit-trust Act.
  • Abram vs the United States

    This court case argument was whether or not Abram was guilty of espionage.
  • Nebbia vs New York

    The main cause of this case is that states may be able to regulate businesses in public good as long as the regulattions were reasonable.
  • Ashwander vs Tennessee Valley Authority

    This was an upheld argument in whether an exercise by the federal government should be allowed power to control navigatable streams. And provide national defence.
  • Pennsylvania vs Nelson

    The main point of the case is that it should be held under federal government.
  • New York Times vs Sullivan

    The argument was that white segregationalist tried to silence newspappers through huge libel suits.
  • New York Times vs United States

    The main case was for the government's request of pubilaction of secret of pentagon history about the Vietnam War.
  • Plyler vs Doe

    This case was an argument that education shouldn't be denied to children of illegal immigrants.