
MA11.1 Growth and Development

By tinacao
  • Period: to

    1st Trimester

  • Milestone

    Your partner’s sperm fuses with your egg to form a single cell. The cells divide and then travel to the womb to be embedded.
  • How I'll Help

    I'll hold up your hair when you throw up and encourage you to eat healthy.
  • Being Healthy

    Start cutting off alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs as much as you can.
  • Baby Stuff

    Your baby is developing rapidly, and the brain and spinal cord are forming. You can now hear the heartbeat and the baby's organs, limbs, and facial features are forming!
  • Baby Stuff

    All baby organs are formed!
  • Milestone

    Your hormones will have settled down and you may feel less emotionally vulnerable.
  • Milestone

    You're gaining weight, and your boobs are getting bigger!
  • Period: to

    2nd Trimester

  • Milestone

    Your baby is now completely formed!
  • Baby Stuff

    Your baby will start to grow hair! This includes eyelashes and eyebrows too.
  • Milestone

    Any sickness you’ve had is likely to have gone and you won’t feel so tired. Your baby bump is also starting to develop.
  • Milestone

    You'll start to feel fluttery feelings in your stomach. Then these feelings turn into the baby's kicks and movements!
  • Being Healthy

    Continue going to your doctor's appointments to check upon your baby and formally let your employers know about your pregnancy. Then you can prepare for a maternity leave.
  • How I'll Help

    I'll start clearing out a room for you and picking out baby furniture.
  • Baby Stuff

    Your baby will be able to hear and recognize your voice!
  • Period: to

    3rd Trimester

  • Baby stuff

    Baby stuff
    The baby is moving vigorously!
  • Milestone

    Your baby’s head will probably drop into your pelvis
  • How I'll Help

    I'll help you meet other friends that already have babies so that you can get an idea of what it's like.
  • Baby Stuff

    Your baby’s eyes can now focus a little and he can blink
  • Milestone

    Your baby will be getting into position ready for labour to start.
  • Health

    Contact hospital and have everything prepared for your baby's brith.
  • Milestone

    Your baby is born!