Ma. Tricia Valiente

  • Apr 1, 1436

    Spectacles (eyeglasses)

    Spectacles (eyeglasses)
    Credit to developing spectacles generally goes to Roger [BACON]. One of the earliest paintings to show spectacles is by the artist Jan van Eyck and dates to 1436
  • Apr 18, 1493


    a roman emperor viewed the gladiator fight using lenses made of emerald.
  • microscope

    The microscope was invented about 1590 by Zacharias Jenssen of Holland. This was the first compound microscope, using two lenses. The microscope wasn't really put to serious use until in 1665, when the English scientist, Robert [HOOK], published his 'Micrographia', the first documentation of the microscopic world
  • telescope

    Hans Lippershey invented the first telescope in the late 1600.About a year later, various lens grinders of northern Europe, were making telescopes. Records show that the telescope was further developed
  • Lanterna Magica (magic lantern)

    Lanterna Magica (magic lantern)
    invented by Thomas Walgenstein,The Laterna Magica was the first early projection device and a forerunner of the modern slide and motion picture projectors.
  • lightnig of candles

    lightnig of candles
    In 1761, at the coronation of George III, groups of 3000 candles were connected together with threads of gun cotton, and lit in half a minute. Those clustered below were showered with hot wax and burning thread. See also: [CANDLES].
  • phone

    Alexander Graham Bell spoke into his device and said to his assistant, “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.” In doing so, Bell launched the telephone era with the first bi-directional electronic transmission of the spoken word.