Lyndon b johnson

Lyndon B. Johnson

  • Born

    at Sonewall,texas parents Sam Johnson Jr and Rebekah Johnson
  • Graduated High School

    Graduated High School
    From Johnson City High School was one of the top students and really wanted to be a teacher
  • graduated College

    graduated College
    From southwest Texas State Teachers College with B.S. degree
  • won a seat in the house of Representative

    won a seat in the house of Representative
    to fill vacancy caused by death of James paul Buchanan. Reelected 5 times and served until December 31,1948
  • U.S. navy

    U.S. navy
    served in the U.S. navy during word war 11
  • won silver medal

    won silver medal
    for gallantry under fire when patrol boomer in which he was flying was attacked by Japanese
  • Lynda Johnson

    Lynda Johnson
    Lynda Johnson the first kid of LBJ was born at Stonewall, Texas. She is 76 now and still alive she is married and has her own kids.
  • Luci Johnson

    Luci Johnson
    Luci Johnson was born at Stonewall, Texas. she is Still alive. Lives in Washington D.C, is also married.
  • heart attack

    heart attack
    suffered a heart attack in his house it ran in his family but was in his mid 40s when he had his first heart attack
  • nominated for president

    nominated for president
    by speaking Sam Rayburg at democratic convention received; received 409 votes; defeated by John F. Kennedy
  • running for vice president

    running for vice president
    nominated for vice president by JFK who he was his running against for president because LBJ was popular in Texas JFK wanted him as his running mate
  • elected vice president

    elected vice president
    elected vice president of the united states was one of the closes votes in America. He didn't think he was gonna win, and didn't know even if he wanted to be JFK's vice president, Texas came up big and was one of the reasons they won
  • JFK's assassination

    JFK's assassination
    JFK assassinated, LBJ was only 3 cars away from JFK's, they wanted to put LBJ in a safe place, and they decided that would be Air Force 1
  • inaugurated

    inaugurated on the air force one and had JFK's wife beside him when he was being inaugurated. he didn't have to be inaugurated because he would already be automatically president but he really wanted to be inaugurated
  • Kept JFk's cabinet

    Kept JFk's  cabinet
    He didn't want to organize his own cabinet so he decided to keep JFK's cabinet and his team. JFK's brother denied the offer cause LBJ and him didn't agree on anything.
  • Signed civil rights act

    Signed civil rights act
    LBJ signed the civil rights act. which lawed any segregation in restaurants and public places. started a lot of riots but was also a huge move for African Americans
  • Won presidential election

    Won presidential election
    LBJ defeated Barry Goldwater in landslide presidential election, many people thought he cheated or rigged the votes but they never proved if that was true
  • rail road crisis

    rail road crisis
    the rail road crisis plunged Johnson into one of the nations toughest labor dispute
  • Great Society program

    Great Society program
    declared the Great Society program proposed by president in state of the Union message, gave a lot of people hope and faith in his plan
  • New Vice President

    New Vice President
    Humphrey becomes the new vice president, Him and LBJ had a lot of the same goals and worked very well together
  • Bombed North Vietnamese base

    Bombed North Vietnamese base
    LBJ ordered U.S. planes to bomb North Vietnamese base after Vietcong attack on U.S. base
  • Anti poverty Bill

    Anti poverty Bill
    signed 1.875 billion dollar antipoverty bill, doubling previous appropriation, also he used that to establish the Medicare foundation he will later have in his life
  • Vietnam protests

    Vietnam protests
    More protests and riots grew because of the Vietnam war. 15,000 people marched on Washington, LBJ didn't really know how to handle it, he thought he was doing the best for the country and for our ally
  • pushed for vehicle safety

    pushed for vehicle safety
    LBJ pushed to for vehicle industries to making vehicles safer, in doing so he got industries to announce to abide by federal safety standards and reported recall of 8.7 million cars to check possible flaws.
  • Asked money for the war

    Asked money for the war
    LBJ asked congress to enact 6 percent on income taxes to support the Vietnam war, angered many people who were already against the war and made him very unpopular with people
  • Riot's and protests grew

    Riot's and protests grew
    riots and protests in New Jersey and Detroit, about the Vietnam war and racial violence, Lyndon Johnson made a speech about the riots but that didn't work, a lot of business got destroyed and it really dragged LBJ's name and how he couldn't keep the country together
  • Announced he will not run for another term

    Announced he will not run for another term
    LBJ announced a halt of bombing in North Vietnam, he also announced he would not run for another term
  • New president

    New president
    Richard Nixon elected as the next president of the untied states
  • Death

    died due to a heart attack at Austin, Texas
  • Huber Humphrey's death

    Huber Humphrey's death
    Huber Humphrey dies due to old age at Waverly Minnesota