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By mjw2922
  • 65 BCE


    Odysseus and his men escaped. They ended up losing six men per ship. There was a storm sent by the sky and thunder god. That god’s name is Zeus. He swept them for about nine days. Once that was done they were at the Lotus Eaters place where they got fed intoxicating fruit of the locus.
  • 65 BCE

    Locus-Eaters P.2

    Locus-Eaters P.2
    Odysseus and his crew are happy to finally escape what they had recently experienced. They lost six men per ship which easily made Odysseus an angry man, but with the help of Zeus they were able to survive with the people they had. When they got to the area of the Lotus eaters Odysseus received intoxicating fruit because at this point he didn’t care what he ate just being on the road for too long was stressful