Lord of the flies

Lord of the Flies timeline

  • Boy's plane lands on island

    Boy's plane lands on island
    The boy's were on their way to a safe place away from Britan when a nuclear bomb went off and caused their plane to crash, killing every adult in the process.
  • Ralph blows the conch

    Ralph blows the conch
    Ralph calls the boys by the conch shell and then him and Piggy try to create order and a society so that they can survive
  • Ralph decides that keeping a fire going is top priority

    Ralph decides that keeping a fire going is top priority
    He thinks that their top priority should be getting off the island rather than surviving on it.
  • Jack introduces hunting

    Jack introduces hunting
    Jack introduces savageness to the others by making hunting a very important concept to the other boys as well as getting the boys overly excited about the way it feels to kill the pig.
  • Fear the beast

    Fear the beast
    The younger boys start to see and hear things that they believe is a beast, but the beast is really the savageness growing inside the boys.
  • Older boys go hunting

    Older boys go hunting
    Ralph and the older boys go out to hunt for the beast, and Ralph tastes the excitement of almost hitting a pig.
  • the boys kill a Pig

    the boys kill a Pig
    The boys catch a pig for their dinner and reenact the hunt by pretending one of the boys is the pig and they are killing it with the spears, but they let their thirst for blood take it too far
  • Jack makes his own tribe

    Jack makes his own tribe
    Jack gets tired of Ralph telling him what to do so he starts a new tribe which he turns corrupt
  • Simon's death

    Simon's death
    After speaking with the Lord of the Flies, Simon runs back to tell the others that the beast isn't real. But the boys were immersed in their hunting dance, and mistaked Simon as the beast, and killed him.
  • Jack steals Piggy's glasses

    Jack steals Piggy's glasses
    Jack's tribe steals Piggy's glasses so they can start a fire.
  • Ralph's tribe go for the glasses

    Ralph's tribe go for the glasses
    Ralph and Piggy go to get back the glasses, Roger pushes the rock off the cliff, killing piggy and shattering the conch
  • Ralph hunt

    Ralph hunt
    Ralph runs and hides from Jack's tribe as they chase him down to kill him. They burn the forest in the process so Ralph can't hide.
  • Rescue

    Ralph stops at the beach to find a Naval officer on the beach investigating the fire, they are then rescued.