
LLED 3425 Sp14 My Reading Timeline

  • My first book

    My first book
    The first day I was brought home from the hospital, my parents put me in my 3 year old brother's lap and he read to me.
  • My favorite childhood book

    My favorite childhood book
    Once I started to read on my own, my favorite book was "Corduroy" . I would read it at least once a week.
  • Period: to

    Harry Potter Books

    Once Accelerated Reader books became a big deal, I chose the books that had the most points to read, this is when I came across the Harry Potter Books. I read these books (the ones that were out at the time) over and over again.
  • Period: to

    Series Books

    Throughout this time period, anytime I came across a book series I read them all. This included Princess Diaries series, the American Girl Doll books, the Eragon series, etc.
  • Period: to

    No Reading

    During this time, my friends and I thought that it wasn't cool to like reading so I read very few to no books.
  • Lord of the Rings

    Lord of the Rings
    I just read the "Hobbit" at the end of Christmas Break and have started reading the rest of The Lord of the Rings series.