Literacy Timeline- Breanna Mullins

  • Learned how to read

    Learned how to read
    I knew how to read a couple of words in preschool, but I really started reading and undertstanding books in kindergarten.
  • Learned how to spell

    Learned how to spell
    I think I was in kindergarten when I actually really got into writing and spelling. I learned a lot my kindergarten year.
  • Watched a play

    Watched a play
    I remember this day being a really fun day, because we watched the play, and straight after, we went to GattiTown. Even though I literally just cant think of what its called, it's an amazing movie/play.
  • Wrote my first essay

    Wrote my first essay
    I was in 4th grade, and I briefly remember that it was about something for science.
  • Read the "Dear Dumb Diary" book series

    Read the "Dear Dumb Diary" book series
    In 5th grade, I was very fond of reading. I especially loved reading "Dear Dumb Diary." I read all the dumb diary books we had in our library at the time.
  • "Franny K. Stein”

    "Franny K. Stein”
    At the time, 6th grade, when I still loved reading, I actually read the whole "Franny K. Stein" book series.
  • Graduated 6th grade

    Graduated 6th grade
    When I was in 6th grade, I was still in an elementary school. Graduation was a very nice time in my life, but it was also kind of scary knowing that I was going to have to go to a different school.
  • My favorite biographies

    My favorite biographies
    My two all time favorite books are by a guy named Shane Dawson. He's a Youtuber, and in his books, he explains a lot about his past and struggles.
  • Book I dislike

    Book I dislike
    I dislike the book "Inside Out & Back Again" because it didn't grab my attention. It's kind of written like a poem, and I just don't really enjoy reading stuff like that.
  • Watched "The Greatest Showman”

    Watched "The Greatest Showman”
    At the end of the semester, last school year, we all decided to watch "The Greatest Showman." The movie is a musical and also a biography.