Dil framework   istock 000018373461

Literacy Experiences

  • First book

    First book
    The first book that I read was gifted to me by my mother, "The Cat in the Hat," by Dr. Seuss. I still vividly remember that moment as it was the moment I fell in love with reading.
  • Second book

    Second book
    As my love for reading grew, "The Diary of a Young Girl," by Anne Frank was my first book reading as an adult. It was after reading this book that I fell in love with History and decided to further study World War 2.
  • WW2 Educational trip

    WW2 Educational trip
    After reading more about World War 2 I was eager to visit World War 2 locations. I took a tour of Poland and Germany. A 13 day tour from Warsaw to Munich.
  • First Poem

    First Poem
    As my knowledge grew I fell in love with literature. I wrote my first poem after reading Nikita Gill. My father slapped my heart
    but my mind is what broke.
    I am the name of the nameless
    I am the voice of the voiceless
    I am the love of the hopeless
    I roam and roam
    not knowing that
    I am rootless
  • Moved to USA

    Moved to USA
    When I moved to the U.S I learned many new things. Different cultures, languages, holidays, festivals etc. Moving here was one of the biggest literacy experiences for myself as I was able to see a new part of the world with a fresh pair of eyes.
  • High School Experience

    High School Experience
    I experienced a totally different curriculum in America. Going to a High School was extremely different than going to my old school. I learned American history, civics and read books such as: To kill a Mockingbird, The Scarlet Letter, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The Catcher in the Rye, and Death of a Salesman.
  • Theatre

    I was soon introduced to theatre where I saw great books come to live such as Hamlet, Othello, and Macbeth
  • College

    My first negative literacy experience was in college ENGL 121. Because I only did 11th and 12th in America, my knowledge and prior learnings were very different than what is taught here. I had a very hard time learning new things such as paraphrasing, plagiarism, citing sources etc. I really suffered.
  • Field Experience

    Field Experience
    After deciding my major Elementary Education I received the opportunity to field experience. During field experiencing I learned many new things about disabilities, teaching, children.
  • Poetry

    I gradually started reading poetry. One of my favorite book is "Milk and Honey," by Rupi Kaur. This inspired to me start writing more, journaling, short poems, etc.
    My personal favorite by Rupi Kaur
    how it it so easy for you
    to be kind to people he asked
    milk and honey dripped
    from my lips as I answered
    cause people have not
    been kind to me