Literacy Timeline - Gabbi Hill

  • Hooked on Phonics

    Hooked on Phonics
    When I was around two or three, my mom got a reading set called Hooked on Phonics. It had small books in it that you could color the pages in. My favorite two books out of the set were "Pig Wig" and "Cat." The set also came with a sticker board/ board game that I got to put a sticker on every time I read a book. When I filled the board, I got a treat.
  • Leap Frog Word Whammer

    Leap Frog Word Whammer
    When I was two, I got a Leap Frog Word Whammer for my birthday. It was a giant magnet toy that you could put letter magnets in and it would say the letters in order and say the word you made. My mom taught me how to spell with it.
  • Annie

    My favorite musical/movie when i was around 4 was Annie. It got me into music and musicals.
  • Froggy Books

    Froggy Books
    I used to have a set of books when I was about 5 and they were my favorite books at the time. My mom used to let me read them to sleep and she would help me with the words I didn't know. My favorites books from the Froggy series were: Froggy Goes to School, Froggy Eats Out, Froggy Goes to the Doctor, and Let's Go, Froggy.
  • Little Women

    Little Women
    The first chapter book without pictures I ever read was Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I read it in 1st grade the first time and I've read it many times since. It is still one of my favorite books to this day.
  • Glasses

    In fourth grade, I had to get glasses. But, the Optomotrist didn't realize that I had an astigmatism. That pretty much means that my eyes couldn't focus. I started to hate reading because my head would hurt when I read and I would end up loosing my spot while reading.
  • The Hunger Games

    The Hunger Games
    Because of the glasses incident, I hated reading for a couple of years. Then, in sixth grade, I got new glasses, but I still hated reading. Half-way through the year, I started the Hunger Games Trilogy and got back into reading.
  • Harry Potter

    Harry Potter
    In seventh grade, I read Harry Potter and became obsessed and I am currently on the sixth book for the third time.
  • To Kill a Mockingbird

    To Kill a Mockingbird
    The first time I watched TKM I was abround six, so I had forgotten what happened and I didn't really understand it then anyways. Then, in eighth grade, we had to read it for class. It is my all-time favorite book.

    Over the summer, I read a book called MOXIE, which is about a girl who starts a newsletter at her school anonymously about feminism and fighting back against her sexist school.