Speeches lincoln

Lincoln from 1831-1849 5B

  • Abe settles in New Salem

    Abe settles in New Salem
    Abe settles in New Salem, Illinois working as a clerk in the village store. No one knows month or day.
  • Lincoln in IL House of Rep.

    Lincoln in IL House of Rep.
    Lincoln won election for the first term in Illinois House of Representatives.
  • Lincoln made statement

    Lincoln made statement
    Abraham made his first public statement against slavery.
  • Abe breaks off engagment

    Abe breaks off engagment
    Abe breaks off the engagement with Mary Todd. He has another episode of depression.
  • Edward Lincoln is born

    Edward Lincoln is born
    Edward Baker Lincoln is born.
  • Abe Lincoln gave speech

    Abe Lincoln gave speech
    Abraham Lincoln gives a speech against war with Mexico.