Limits of a Superpower

By derazo
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    Gay Liberation Movement

    -Police raid on the Stone Wall, a gay bar in New York city
    -encouraged lesbians and gay men to engage in radical action
  • The Environmental Movement

    -Led by Theodore Roosevelt
    -20 million people participated
    1st Earth Day was in 1970
  • Richard Nixon's Foreign Policy

    -policy that would reduce tensions of Cold War
    -promised to bring Americans together after the turmoil that negatively impacted their lives.
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    Detente with China & Soviet Union

    -a reduction of Cold War Tensions
    -Nixon negotiated with Chinese leaders about diplomatic exchanges and to imrpove relations and future conflicts.
    -Recognized communist government in 1979
  • The Burger Court

    Liberal justicesof Supreme Court retired, so Nixon replaced them with conservatives.
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    Clean Air Act-passed

    -more social stress and fragmentation
    -controls air pollution at a level.
  • Nixon's Economic Policies

    -U.S economy faced economic slowdown and high inflation
    -Nixon reduced federal spending, which caused unemployment
    -took the dollar off the gold standard
  • Vietnamization

    -will withdraw U.S troops from Vietnam and give money, training, and weapons to Southern Vietnam for the war.
    *Nixon Doctrine-U.S would get involved in defense of its allies.
  • White House Abuses

    -Nixon hired a group of white house officials to break into the White housethat resulted as an illegal activity.
  • Congress passes the Title IX

    -It was a statue that was built in order to end sex discrimination in all schools that were under federal funding
    -girls received the same opportunities as boys (Ex:sports).
    -This event was a rise in societal status of women.
  • The Election of 1972

    -Democrats won: Senator George McGovern of South Dakota
    -Ran an anti war campaign between Nixon (republican) and McGovern (democratic).
  • Endangered Species Act

    -signed by Richard Nixon
    -protected species from extinction
  • Watergate Investigation

    U.S V. Nixon!
    Nixon denied knowing anything and refused to hand in tape recordings.
  • United States V. Nixon

    -important event because of the Watergate Scandal
    8-0 votes against Nixon
    -This event limited the power of any President
  • Genocide in Cambodia

    -Cambodia fell to Khmer Rouge, who was a radical communst and killed over a million people
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    Jimmy Carter's Presidency

    This was an effort to end imperial presidency.
    -unique when people saw that he walked to the white house rather than driving in a limo.
    -impressed everyone worldwide
    -Jimmy Carter:democratic
  • Camp David Accords

    -It was a peace settlement between Egypt and Israel
    -Egypt was the first Arab nation to recoginize the nation of Israel
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    Iran and Hostage Crisis

    -The Islamic fundamentalists overhtrew the Shah, who led the Iranian government.
    (Antiwar sentiment)
    -Caused Carter to become frustrated.
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    American Society in Transition

    -Social changes were greater significance than politics.
    -Growth of Immigration
    Undocumented Immigrants- about 12 million were in the U.S illegaly
    -There were demands for minority rights
  • American Indian Movement

    -encouraged American Indians to leave reservationsists and assimilate into urban areas