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Life Events with Erikson's Psychosocial Stages

By cbusic
  • Learning to Walk

    Learning to Walk
    Emmett was curious to walk but was hesitant. He had tried it before and fell which made him weary of it. His mother comforted and encourage him to stand and walk daily. On this day he grew the courage to stand, find his balance and took his first step toward his mother. He made it to 2 steps and fell but didn't cry. Rather was excited he made his mom happy.
    This is an example of Erickson's first stage, trust verses mistrust, because Emmett needed to know his mother would be there if he fell.
  • Who am I really?

    Who am I really?
    Tori never felt like she fit in with her female friends at school. She felt more comfortable in men's clothing, with short hair cuts, and playing physical sports. Her father adored her free spirit but her mother kept trying to mold her into the female stereotype. After finding a LGBTQ blog she decided to change her name to Tom and pronouns to he/him.
    This is Erikson's 5th stage, identity vs identity confusion, because Tom developed awareness of himself and how he wanted to fit into the culture.
  • I wish they had time... I do

    I wish they had time... I do
    Laura was approaching retirement and found herself alone with no one to share her free time with. She had three adult children, all of which had successful careers and growing families. Her 3 marriages didn't last and dating is more difficult than when she was in her 20's. She spent most her days at home, drinking her wine and waiting for her friends or family to visit.
    This is Erikson's 8th stage, ego integrity verses despair, because Laura is filled with regrets that created her solitary life.