Lewis and Clark Timeline

By Kheuer
  • President Jefferson

    President Jefferson
    President Jefferson secretly sends a message to Congress for approval and funding of an expedition to explore the western part of the continent
  • Period: to

    Lewis and Clark

  • Louisiana Purchase Announced

    Louisiana Purchase Announced
  • Corps Of Discovery Expedition

    Corps Of Discovery Expedition
    Corps of Disvovery Expedition begins in journey up the Missouri River
  • Charbonneau and Sacagawea

    Charbonneau and Sacagawea
    Toussaint Charbonneau, a French Canadian fur trapper living with the Hidatsas, is hired as an interpreter. His wife, Sacagawea, a Shoshone who had been captured by the Hidatsas and sold to Charbonneau, is also considered helpful as the Shoshones are said to live at the headwaters of the Missouri.
  • Grizzle Bear

    Grizzle Bear
    Lewis and another hunter kill a large grizzly bear, which had never before been described for science.
  • Beaverhead Rock

    Beaverhead Rock
    Sacagawea recognizes Beaverhead Rock and says they are nearing the headwaters of the Missouri, and her people, the Shoshones. Lewis and three others scout ahead.
  • Columbia River

    Columbia River
    The expedition reaches the Columbia River.
  • Lewis and Clark reach St. Louis.

    Lewis and Clark reach St. Louis.
    Lewis and Clark are treated as national heroes. They return to Washington, D.C. The men receive double pay and 320 acres of land as reward, the captains get 1,600 acres. Lewis is named governor of the Louisiana Territory, Clark is made Indian agent for the West and brigadier general of the territory's militia.