Lety's Reading History

  • Before Being Born

    Before Being Born
    My mom always told me that she would always read to me while in the womb. Maybe that is one of the reason I have always enjoyed reading, because I was exposed to it very early.
  • Dad Reading To Me

    Dad Reading To  Me
    Every night my dad would always read me a story before bed. Its one my dads and also my best memories .
  • Story Time

    Story Time
    In kindergarten, the teacher would always gather the students to the carpet for story time. One of my favorite books that I remember is Pete the Cat. That is when I started to see how much fun a book can be.
  • Exploring Books

    Exploring Books
    In the fourth grade is when I really started to find books interesting and started to explore books that I wanted to read. The library teacher introduced me to "Junie B. Jone's" and after that I was obsessed and wanted to keep reading more and more.
  • Book Project

    Book Project
    In the fifth grade, my teacher made us do a book project for any book of our choosing. For the project, we had to read a book and gather some materials that symbolized things from the reading and explain to the class why and what it symbolized. The book I picked was "The Bad Beginning" from A series of Unfortunate Events series.
  • Reading To My Brother

    Reading To My Brother
    My brother and I have a close relationship, when he was small I would always read to him just like my dad did to me. One of my favorite books that I would read to him was "The Giving Tree."
  • Reading Not As Interesting

    Reading Not As Interesting
    In high school, we had to read lots of books in my English Reading Literature class. In that class is when I started to find books not fun anymore, boring, and just started to lose interest in them. During this time I was also more interested in joining clubs/sports.
  • Finding That Spark

    Finding That Spark
    The summer after graduating high school is when I found my self-loving reading again. I feel that having more time and not being busy with sports and clubs helped me find my way back to reading.
  • Volunteering

    As my little cousins know I love to read they surprised me and asked me to come to their school for reading week as the teacher was looking for volunteers. I have to say this was one of the best expereinces of my life.
  • Reading To Others

    Reading To Others
    At this time of year, I work at the school district and I feel like now roles have changed as I am now the one reading to kids. While reading to kids I hope to help them find the joys of reading and help them fall in love with it, just like I did.