Lesson 9 Timeline

  • Jim Crow Laws

    Jim Crow Laws were laws enforcing racial segregation in the southern united states.
  • Chinese exclusion act

    The chinese exclusion act prohibeted all immigration of chinese laborers
  • The sinking of the lusitania

    A british passenger ship that was sunk off the coast of ireland by a german submarine. This event brought the united states into the war
  • The zimmerman telegram

    The zimmerman telegram was an alliance between germany and mexico incase of a war with the united states
  • Sedition Act

    The sedition act stated that you werent aloud to talk negative about the government or the war effort by law
  • 19th amendment

    The 19th amendment guarentees all women the right to vote
  • 18th amendment

    The 18th amendment banned the sale and drinking of alcahol in the united states.
  • The red scare

    The promotion of fear and the potential of communism or radical leftism
  • immigration act of 1924

    The immigration act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants allowed into the US through a nation origins quota
  • John scopes- The monkey trial

    A trial against John scopes by the state of tenessee when he was accused of teaching kids about evolution in a state funded school.
  • Eugene V Debs

    Eugene V debs was an american union leader, one of the founding members of the industrial workers of the world and five time candidate of the socialist party for president of the united states
  • 20th amendment

    The 20th amendment says that presidents can only serve a 4 year term.
  • 21st amendment

    The 21st amendment repealed the 18th amendment in the sale and consumption of alcahol