Leonardo Da Vinci

  • 1452


    Leonardo Da Vinci was born the 15th of april, 1452
  • 1452

    Birth place

    Birth place
    He was born in Florencia, Italy
  • 1457


    His father and his mother separeted
    His father got married 4 times more and he gave Leonardo 10 more brothers
    His father never had considered him legally
    He started his carrer thanks to his grandmother
    His mother was por and slave
  • 1466


    Young Leonardo received little formal education beyong basic Reading, writing and mathematics instruction, but his artistic talents were evident from an early age
    When he was 14 years old he received classes of art from Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence
  • 1472

    Professional life

    Professional life
    When he was 20 years old he got a degree as a master artist and he stablished his own workshop
    However, he continued to collaborate with his teacher for an additional five years
  • 1476

    Private life

    They discovered that Leonardo da vinci was homosexual and on that age that was a crime by exile or even death
  • 1478


    He was painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, military engineer and draftsman
    On this year he became an independent master
  • 1483

    Painting techniques

    Painting techniques
    Leonardo da Vinci is well known for his use of two painting techniques:
    Chiaroscuro: a contrast between darkness and light that gave a three-dimensionality to da Vinci’s figures.
    Sfumato: a technique in which subtle gradations His painting “Virgin of the Rocks,” begun in 1483, is a classic example of both of these techniques
  • 1485


    He had lots of student but the most important ones were Pontorno, Francesco Melzi, Andrea Solari and Cesare da Sesto
  • 1495

    "The last supper"

    "The last supper"
    It is one of the most famous works he did
    Ludovico Sforza, the Duke of Milan commissioned him to paint it on the back Wall of the dining hall inside the monastery of Milan´s Santa Maria Delle Grazie
  • 1495


    Besides these his works of art, he wrote an endless number of revolutionary ideas (withdrawals in 20 volumes) that could not be developed until several centuries later, any for the technical existing limitations in this epoch and others for small incongruities in his sketches that there was disabling the functioning of his inventions
  • 1497


    Da Vinci appeared to prophesy the future with his sketches of machines resembling a bycivle and a helicopter. Perhaps his most well known "invention" is a "flying machine" wich is based on the physiology of a bat
  • 1499


    Ludovico Sforza also tasked da Vinci with sculpting a 16-foot-tall bronze equestrian statue of his father and founder of the family dynasty, Francesco Sforza
  • 1503

    "la Gioconda"

    "la Gioconda"
    It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci and is one of his most famous Works
    It is also known as "La Mona Lisa"
    You can find it in the Louvre museum (Paris)
    It is nealy,worth 715.2 euros
  • 1519


    He died the 2nd of May in 1519