Lead-up to the civil war

  • North and south Economy

    North has factories, south has agriculture.
  • Wilmot proviso

    Proposal to ban slavery in all added states from the mexican cession.
  • Free-soil party

    Free soil party wanted to prohibit expanstion of slavery.
  • election of zachery taylor

    The whigs won with zachery taylor.
  • Compromise of 1850

    A compromise between adding california and increasing laws making slaves easier to catch.
  • Fegitive slave act

    To accuse an black person a runaway slave all it took was a white witness to testify to the fact.
  • Uncle tom's cabin

    Harriet Stowe denouced slavery from a slaves point of view.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    Wanting to dee the trans-continental railroad pushed through, and needed kansas and nebraska to be states, with slavery decided by popular sovengenty
  • republican party

    Thje whig party split into the repulican party, who wanted to stop the spread of slavery to the west.
  • Bleeding kansas

    Bleeding kansas was a time when conflic broke out between pro, and anti-slavery settlers in kansas.
  • bloodshed in the senate

    Charles sumner, a friece anti-slavery senator, was attacked by preston brookes and hiot over the head with a cane.
  • Election of 1856

    Buchanan won the 1856 election.
  • election of 1856

    Bunchanan won the 1856 election.
  • Dred Scott v Sanford case

    Dred Scott was a slave in a free state who went to the supream court to get freedom. The supream court said that dr3ed scott had no right to come to court, and the missoiouri compromise was illegal.
  • Linclon and Dougless debates

    Liclon and Dougless had a series of sever debates over control of illinois.
  • John Brown Attacks harpers farry

    John brown took a US armory and planed to arm slaves in rebelion but was crushed by Robert E. Lee
  • Political Parties divide

    The democrats disagreed upon the issue of slavery, and the remains formed the constitutional union party.
  • Election of 860

    Of the four canidates, Liclon, from the rebulican party, won.
  • Southern States secede.

    The states Florida, Goergia, South carolina, alabama, Mississippi, Luisiana, and texas seceded from the union, forming the confederate states of america.
  • The confederate states of america

    The country the seceded states formed.
  • Crittenden Plan

    One last compromise to bring the Union and confederacy back together.