
Landmark Supreme Court Cases

By Ty $W@G
  • Marbury VS. Madison

    Marbury VS. Madison
    In this case, there were documents and laws that were to be put into place before the new person was in office. Unfortunatly, the documents were not delivered on time for them too be legally submitted. Concluding that it was unjust for the documents to be forced into office.The court was ruled as a unanimous decision, because the law was unconstitutional, and could be overruled. The effect the case has has on our country is that if you have a obligation, you have to stick to it & follow through.
  • McCullouch VS. Maryland

    McCullouch VS. Maryland
    This case was about The Bank of United States. They wanted to tax and sue a bank worker for not paying their taxes. It made the US bank attemp to close down smaller banks. Therefore, concluding that the court found for Maryland and McCulloch was appealed. It was unanimous decision. The decision was centered around Maryland's claim that the constitution was ratified. The effect this case has on our country is that it confirmed the congress knowing their roles as congressmen.
  • Dred Scott VS. Sandford

    Dred Scott VS. Sandford
    In this case, a black man (Dred Scott) assumed he was a free man because his former master had him on free soil before, and when the master passed away, he was on free soil. After the master passed away, Dred Scott was to be passed onto his family. The court came to a 7-2 decision, in favor of the slave owner. The court found this decision because African Americans, slave or free, were not citizens & did not own the rights of Americans. This effect case shows everybody is equal.
  • Plessy VS Ferguson

    Plessy VS Ferguson
    In this case, a 1/8th black man, having white skin, refused to sit in the black section of the railroad car. He was denied his rights as a white man because he was black. The railroad service was riding to a free state. He was denied his rights as an American citizen. The court desicion was 7-1, that upheld the Louisiana law requiring segregation.
  • Korematsu VS. U.S.

    Korematsu VS. U.S.
    In this case, Koremematsu refused to leave his home, to be placed into a internment camp for American citizens of Japanese decent. He was arrested and convicted, after loosing his case, he then challenged the constitutionality of the case. The case was overruled in the court history.
  • Brown VS. Board Of Education Topeka US

    Brown VS. Board Of Education Topeka US
    In this case "separate but equal laws were being argued as "unfair" to the people of color who were segregated within schools. It was stated unfair because the children were taunted and werent getting fair treatment in school as they should. The court was unanimous (9-0) decision that the seperate but equal laws were in denial of equal protection laws.
  • Mapp VS. Ohio

    Mapp VS. Ohio
    In this case police searched a house without a legal warrent, and when they searched the hosue they found an d confiscated pornographic material and the owner was arrested. The court came to a decision of 6-3, in favor of Mapp, stating that the police had no proper warrent for search and seizure which is inadmissible in a state court.
  • Gideon VS. Wainwright

    Gideon VS. Wainwright
    In this case Gideon was convicted of a felony, he defended himself after being denied a free counsel. The Supreme court overturned his conviction because of failure to provide counci, as stated in the fourteenth amendment.
  • Miranda VS. Arizona

    Miranda VS. Arizona
    In this case, Miranda was arrested for kidnapping and sexual assualt, after being taken to the police station, he was not stated his rights to counsel prior to questioning. The court came to a decision of 5-4, in favor of Miranda because he was not stated his rights even though he was wrong, and knew exactly what he did.
  • Tinker VS. Des Moines

    Tinker VS. Des Moines
    In this case, Tinker was sent home from school for wearing a armband that protested the Vietnam War. The next day, the school proposed new rules specifically banning armbands protesting the Vietnam War. Her father sued because it took away the childrens freedom of speech. The court decision was 7-2, in favor for Tinker stating that it wasnt causing a possible disturbance, and was not potentially dangerous.
  • Roe VS. Wade

    Roe VS. Wade
    In this case, a woman wanted to get an abortion, and was denied so, because women were only allowed to get one if it was causing problems too their health. Pro-Choice & Pro-Life were argued. The court ruled 7-2, in favor of Roe, stating that it was not the states place to make decision of marriages, and other family situations.
  • NJ VS. T.L.O.

    NJ VS. T.L.O.
    In this case, two female students were caught smoking in a school bathroom during school hours, the two girls were questioned by the pricipal. One denied having smoked in the bathroom, and the other admitted, when going through the denied smokers purse, the principal found other illegal substances. The court ruled a 6-3 decision, in favor of NJ, stating that students have a constitutional right under the 4th amendment saying that school officials are bound by constitutional restrictions.
  • Hazelwood VS. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood VS. Kuhlmeier
    In this case, students were sponsered by the school to do a newspaper for the school. Before papers went in, they were looked over and submitted. But, the principal editted their papers, and changed them stating that the paper was not suitable for the immature audience. The court decision was 5-3, in favor for Hazelwood, stating that the first amendment did not require schools to promote the papers, and doing so, cannot edit what is said or else that violates their freedom of speech.
  • Texas VS. Johnson

    Texas VS. Johnson
    In this case, Johnson was convicted for buring the American flag in response to Reagan Administration policies. He was arrested, and sentenced to one year in jail & fined $2,000. The court was a 5-4 decision, in favor for Johnson, stating that it was a form of expressive speech, and that turned to violation of his first amendment.