Us supreme court3

Landmark Supreme Court Cases

  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    This case was about Marbury, appointed to justice by president Adams, who's commission was never delivered. He demanded that it be delivered and when it wasnt he filed a case against Madison who did not deliver the commission. The court decided that Marbury had the right to his commission but they did not have the power to force Madison to deliver it. Marbury never became a justice. This case affects the country today because it helped to establish the checks and balances of the government.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    This case was about how the state of Maryland decided to tax the Second of the U.S. The Bank felt that the state did not have power over an establishment run by the government and they filed a case. The court decided that the state did not have the power to tax an establishment that is run by the government.The effect of this case made it clear that the state may not impede valid constitutional exercisesof power by the government.
  • Dred Scott v. Sandford

    Dred Scott v. Sandford
    This case was about Dred Scott who was a slave that thought he was free once he had lived in a free state. When his owner told him he was not free and had no rights, Dred Scott filed a case. The court decided that all slaves were not and could not ever be free. This case affected our country by making it so slaves could never be free. That was until the slavery act was passed that ended slavery for good. This affected the future because it caused slaves to stay enslaved even in free states.
  • Plessy v. Ferguson

    Plessy v. Ferguson
    This case was about Plessy, of 1/8 african, who sat in the white only section of a train. He did this to prove that the separate but equal claim was unconstitutional and he filed a case. The court decided that as long as the facilities were of equal equality, then the black and white facilities could still be separate. This affected the country because it was the start of jim crow and other eras of that supported segregation.
  • Korematsu v. U.S.

    Korematsu v. U.S.
    This case was about Korematsu who refused to report to his internment camp when pearl harbor was attacked. He felt it was unconstitutional for him to be sent there because he was a U.S. citizen and he filed a case against the U.S. Government. The court found that protecting against espionage was more important the the individual right of Korematsu. Later this decision was overturned when it was discovered the government had provided false information during the case.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    This case was about how having separate educational facilities was uncontitutional. A mother who was worried about her children having to go through dangerous areas to get the the black school filed a suit against the board of eduation beacuse they would not allow her to send her children to the white school that was closer to their home. The decision was made in court that separate but equal was no longer constitutional. This affected the counrty by ending segregation.
  • Mapp v. Ohio

    Mapp v. Ohio
    This case was about how evidence that is unlawfully found in searches or seizures could not be used in the case. In this case Dollree Mapp was suspected of harboring a bombing fugitive and the police came to search her home without a warrant. They found illegal pornographic images. The court ruled the police could not use their findings to file a case because they did not have a warrant. This affected the country by making it maditory to have a warrant before performing searches.
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Gideon v. Wainwright
    This case was about Gideon who was accused of breaking and entering but when he was sent to court he could not afford an attorney ad therefore was not appointed one. He was found guilty and sent to jail. He then got a retrial and argued that he had a right to an attorney. He was given an attorney and it was found that he did not commit the crime. The court decided that everyone has a right to an attorney. That affected the country by giving people the right to an attorney.
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    This case was about how miranda rights were made a mandatory action upon arrest. Ernesto Miranda was arrested and not read his rights and made a confession because he was unrightfully interrogated by the police. The court ruled that he should have been read his rights and that his confession could not be used against him in court. This case affected the country by allowing people to stay quiet prior to arrest and consult an attorney first.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines
    This court case is about the case in which the students at a Des Moines High School wore bands to protest against the war. The school told the students they could not wear the bands because it might cause problems within the student body. The students argued that the school was violating their first amendment rights and they took the school district to court. The court decided that the student in the public school did have first amendment rights and that the school was restricting those rights.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    This case was about how the government would not allow women to get abortions. The women argued that it was their right to privacy to make the decision whether to keep the baby or not. The court decided that it was the women's right to privacy to decide whether to get the abortion. This affected the counrty by allowing women to now get abortions.
  • NJ v. TLO

    NJ v. TLO
    This case was about how a student who was caught smoking in a school bathroom had her purse seached by the school principal. Drugs and documentation of drug sells were found in the girls purse but she argued that the search was unconstutional. The court decided that the search was reasonable because there was reasonable doubt. This affected the country because now school officials could search student when they have reaonable suspicion.
  • Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
    This case was about how the students at a high school felt like their right to free speech was less respected than that of real newspapers. In district court they ruled in favor of the students but in supreme court they decided that it was not a violation of the student's rights. This affected the country by making is so the school officials could decide what was okay to be published in their school.
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Texas v. Johnson
    This case was about how Gregory Johnson was convicted of a crime for buring an american flag. He argued that it was his right to free speech and expression. THe court decided that it was his right to free speech and he was not convicted. This affected the country because it states that it is not against the law to burn the american flag.