Landmark supreme court cases hartman gary 9780816069231

Landmark Supreme Court

  • Marbury v. Madison

    Marbury v. Madison
    Federaliat congress passed a new judiciary act that created new judgeships. Adam's secretary of state, John Marshall had to sign the commissions for them to take office. He and others were appointed to government posts but were never finalized. So is Marbury entitled to his appointment? the decision was 6 votes for and none against.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    McCulloch v. Maryland
    Congress Chartered the second bank of the United States and the state Maryland passed lagislation to impose taxes on the bank but McCulloch refused. the court had to see if Congress had the power to make this bank and if the law interfered with congressional powers. The decison was 7 votes for McCulloch and none against. Congress did have the power and Maryland could not tax people employed in the of constituional powers.
  • Dred Scott v. Fegueson

    Dred Scott v. Fegueson
    Dred Scott was a slave who was purchase in missouru and brought to Illinois as a free slave. Moved to Minnesota where slavery was prohibited and soon back to Missouri. Hee sued after his owner died because he was no longer a slave once he was in the free state. The court believed he didn't even have rights to sue anyone and that he was not a citizen. It depended on the laws on Missouri not Illinois. He was a slave when he was taken to Illinois and was brought back as a slave.
  • Plessy v. Fergueson

    Plessy v. Fergueson
    Lousiana passed a law called the Separate Car Act that stated all rail companies that have passengers in Louisiana must provide separate but equal accommodations for white and black passangers. A group of black citizens joined together to fight against the act. One of them being Homer Plessy which was really only 1/8 black but he brought a ticket and sat in the white only car. He argued that it violates the 13th and 14th amendments after being arrested. The court said the act was constitional an
  • Koremastu v. U.S

    Koremastu v. U.S
    Pearl Harbor was bombed so the military feared that japanese would attack on the U.S territory. The president at the time signed a order making West Coast Japanese and Japanese Americans into internment camps. Korematsu relocated and was suppose to be known as a Mexican-American so he wouldn't have to go the camp. SOon was arrested and was convicted of violatong an executive order. Korematsu said they didnt have the power to do that and he was beng discriminated because of his race. Not realizin
  • Brown v. Board of Ed Topeka KS

    Brown v. Board of Ed Topeka KS
    This was time when schools were segregated by race and Linda Brown believed that this violated the 14th amendment. The court concluded that people are deprived of the equal protection of the laws. This had on our country because without this case our schools would still be segregated and that wouldn't make our country civil like it needs to be.
  • Mapp v. Ohio

    Mapp v. Ohio
    Suspicous police had reason to believe Dollree Mapp was hiding someone who was suspected in a bombing. They didn't have a warrant so they observed her house for hours then came back with a warrant and found pornographic materials. She got arrested for violating the law against the possession of obscene materials. The case was decided 6 to 3. The man goes free because of the law in the constitution.
  • Gideon v. Wainwright

    Gideon v. Wainwright
    Gideon was accused of burglary at pool room and damaged a window and cigarette machine. He was charged for breaking and enetering. The witness who seen it was actually the one who did it, not Gideon. He could not get a lwayer but once he did he had got one who didnt know what he was doing. The court had a unanimous decision ruling that his convition was unconstitutional. Soon Gideon was retried and all charges was dropped. This effect our country because it showed that people have a right to a l
  • Miranda v. Arizona

    Miranda v. Arizona
    Ernesto Miranda was an immigrant who was arrested and charged for rape and kidnapping. The police didn't inform him of his rights so does that violate the Fifth Amendment. The ending result being 5 votes for Miranda and 4 against. This had an effect on our world because this case is why we have the miranda rights, the very known rights that are in movies and has to be said every time someone is being arrested.
  • Tinker v. Des Moines

    Tinker v. Des Moines
    John and Mary Beth Tinker wore black armbands to their public school to represent their protest against American involvement in the Vietnam War. The school suspended them once they refused to take off their armbands. This is symbolic speech so they feel like their First Amendment rights are being violated. The court was equally divided and this had an effect on our country because it shows we have the right to symbolic speech.
  • Roe v. Wade

    Roe v. Wade
    Jane Roe was pregnant and a unmarried woman. Texas has a law making it a felony to abort a fetus unless your given medical advice to save the mother's life. She sued saying that it violated personal liberty and her privacy which is the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments. The decision was 7 votes for Roe and 2 against her. This gives woman total autonomy of their pregnancy. This had a effect on our country because woman need to have the power to keep their baby or not.
  • Nj v. T.L.O

    Nj v. T.L.O
    A New Jersey high school student was accused of smoking in the bathroom which is violating school rules. So the principal searched her purse for cigarettes but found marijuana and other items implieing that she is dealing marijuana. The student believes just having the cigareets was not a violation so there was no need for a search. The decision was 6 votes for the student and 3 against. This had a effect on our country because this showed if searches can be done without probable cause.
  • Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier

    Hazelwood v. Kuhlmeier
    The Hazelwood High School Prinicipal always reviewed the school's student newspaper before publishing it and decided to take some pages out because of the sensitive content. The students who made the paper felt that this was a direct violation to their First Amendment. The decison was 5 votes for the students and 3 against. They have the right to set high standards for student speech. This had an effect on our country because students do have the right to what they want to say.
  • Texas v. Johnson

    Texas v. Johnson
    During the Republican National Convention a political demonstration was going on in Texas. Gregory Johnson doused an American flag with kerosene and set it on fire. No one was hurt but some people felt very offended. He was charged with desecration of a object which was a violation of the Texas Penal Code. The decision was 5 for johnson and 4 against. Johnson burning the flag was protected of expression under the First Amendment. This had an effect on our country because this deals with our coun