
By gibbst1
  • First sign of change

    In the past months the United States has gone through a change. With the new President, Donald Trump. Many people are upset with the changes he has been making. It is clear the the country needs leadership change and a lot of people thought Donald Trump would be the answer. It turns out he isn't so the citizens decided the were going to practice there right to revolt and over throw the government. Organized rallies were the start of the new order.
  • Impeachment

    After months of extreme pressure on the government from constant protests and violent rallies. They had no choice but to give up. Donald trump was impeached by the nations citizens.
  • Search for a better leader

    With no President the Nation was alone and vulnerable in a crazy time in history. Nearly on the verge of a world war, the country had to think fast to get together and figure out a solution. Police brutality was at an all time high and riots had not stopped since the impeachment of the president.
  • A Glimpse at hope

    With the need for a new leader, many political activists stood up to try and fight for the country. One that stood out tremendously was Trevyn Gibbs with the idea of a country ran off of the the ideas of laissez-faire. This sort of government leaves the progression in the hands of the citizens. It encourages citizens to live based on there passion.
  • Election day

    On election day many people already knew who would be the next leader. It was a sweep when Trevyn Gibbs won the electoral college in all 50 states.
  • Hold on to Hope

    With the newly found freedom of the United states, the country was excited for the change. It sparked a revolution that created the most progressive nation of all time. Peace came when President Gibbs made a deal that they would stay out of war until the economy recovered and that they would not attack unless clearly attacked upon.