• 1 CE

    Arrival in Rome

    Arrival in Rome
    Annabeth, daughter of Atenea approached Rome accompanied by Jason, Piper and Leo, all demigods, who travel in the Argo II ship.
  • 2

    Encounter with Término

    Encounter with Término
    Upon arrival, before landing the Roman Término God, God of the borders, board his ship to prohibit them from landing, after a heated conversation he allows them to descend, on the condition that they do not carry weapons and that Argo II does not land, This is how they can finally reach Rome.
  • 3

    Descent to Rome, reunion with Percy

    Descent to Rome, reunion with Percy
    On Roman soil Annabeth is received by a multitude of demigods in which the leader of the Reyna camp is located, together with Percy, Hazel and Frank. There Annabeth and Percy meet again, after several months.
  • 4

    Dinner and prophecy

    Dinner and prophecy
    Reyna invites newcomers to eat, at dinner Octavio a subordinate of Reyna, recites an ancient prophecy that mentioned that seven mestizos should unite to prevent Gaia from destroying the world, so they say that the seven are Annabeth, Percy, Jason , Piper, Leo, Frank and Hazel.
  • 5

    Annabeth and Reyna

    Annabeth and Reyna
    Annabeth and Reyna walk through the city while talking about their lives and past experiences, Reyna is accompanied by her two guard dogs.
  • 6

    Attack on Rome

    Attack on Rome
    Unexpectedly, haunted Leo begins attacking Rome with the ship and the Romans return the attack, so the mestizos flee to the ship before the Romans lynch them, furious at the attack.
  • 7

    Meeting with Eco and Narciso

    Meeting with Eco and Narciso
    Already on the ship, they look for a place with all the necessary materials to restore the ship that was greatly affected by the violent response of the Romans, so they land and meet Eco and Narciso, they tell them that they must follow the mark of Atenea to unite the Romans and Greeks and avoid war.
  • 8

    Charm of Gaia and Piper

    Charm of Gaia and Piper
    While searching for Dionisio, Gaia appears to Piper and forces her to choose who should live between Percy and Jason. She refuses, so Gaia bewitches them to fight each other, but Piper knocks them out and then bewitches to return to normal along with Leo.
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    Fight for information

    Fight for information
    Later, Franck, Percy and Hedge fight with Forcis and Keto for information about Gaia.
  • 10

    Meeting with Afrodita

    Meeting with Afrodita
    The seven mestizos go to Charleston and fly to Bateery Park, where Annabeth with piper and Hazel meets Afrodita, who tells them how the Olympians suffer from being confused with their Greek or Roman identity.
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    Atenea brand map

    Atenea brand map
    At the same time, Jason, Leo and Frank go to the museum in Fort Sumter to find the map of the Atenea brand.
  • 12

    Reunion with the Romans

    Reunion with the Romans
    Then, the furious Romans arrive in search of revenge for the attack on the camp, Reyna meets Annabeth and asks her to sacrifice herself for her camp, she refuses and all seven flee to the ship and go to see the brothers of Quiron
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    On the way Hazel shows Leo his past, 40 years ago, where they discover that Sammy, a boy Hazel liked, is Leo's great grandfather.
  • 14

    Attack on the sea

    Attack on the sea
    When they wake up they see a monster Shrimp attacking the ship, during the battle Leo, Frank and Hazel are thrown into the sea, where they meet the ichthiocentaurs, brothers of Quiron, with whom they negotiate the next war.
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    Meeting with Hercules

    Meeting with Hercules
    Then they meet Hercules on the pillars and to allow them to cross they look for the second horn of Aqueloo, but Piper does not give it to him and with a pile of provisions of the horn Hercules falls under it. This is how the seven manage to cross.
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    Road to battle

    Road to battle
    The seven go to Rome where Annabeth goes to the Parthenon of Athena following the mark of Athena, Percy, Jason and Piper travel to an area under the Colosseum and fight against the twin giants, Frank, Hazel and Leo travel in search of Nico, but they find the Arquimedes scrolls.
  • 17

    End of the battles

    End of the battles
    While Percy, Jason and Piper beat the giants Oto and Efialtes and rescue Nico. Frank, Hazel and Leo fight with the Eidolons and save the scrolls of Arquimedes. Annabeth faced Aracne, Guadiana of the statue of Atenea whom she managed to defeat by tricking her into weaving her own trap.
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    Fall to the Underworld

    Fall to the Underworld
    After Annabeth defeated Aracne and was very badly injured, the others came to rescue her, but while they raised the statue to the ship Annabeth was dragged into the underworld by a cloth with which Aracne pulled her, so Percy leaves next to her .
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    Percy tells Nico that they are at the gates of death, Nico gives notice to others and set sail.