Korean War

  • North Korea invades South Korea

    North Korea invades South Korea
  • United Nations Command

    United Nations Command
    The UN sets up United Nations Command. 16 members contributed troop or arms. 80% were American.
  • Naval and Air support

    Naval and Air support
    Truman gave naval and air support to South Korea. MacArthur is picked as commander.
  • Cut enemy supply lines

    Cut enemy supply lines
    MacArthur reinforced the Pusan Perimeter and landed troops in Inchon to cut enemy supply lines.
  • UN forces get pushed back to origanal border.

    UN forces get pushed back to origanal border.
  • Pushed North Korea back.

    Pushed North Korea back.
    MacArthur pushes North Korea to the Chinese boarder. China becomes involved in the war. MacArthur wants to expand the war. Truman fires MacArthur.
  • Eisenhower becomes president

    Eisenhower becomes president
  • War Ends

    War Ends