
Korean War

By tipton
  • Invasion of South Korea

    Invasion of South Korea
    North Korea invades South Korea with 135,000 men, initiating the Korean War.
  • Period: to

    Korean War

  • First Battle

    First Battle
    First battle between the U.S. Army and the NKPA. U.S. was outnumbered and delayed North Korea for only a short period of time before retreating with heavy casualties.
  • U.S. troops invade at Inchon

    U.S. troops invade at Inchon
    In surprise landing behind enemy lines, US forces push North Korean army back north of the 38th parallel
  • Chinese Get Involved

    Chinese Get Involved
    Kim Il Sung asked China's assistance and China agreed to help.
  • U.N. forces evacuate Seoul

    U.N. forces evacuate Seoul
    U.N. forces evacuate Seoul after the Chinese and NKPA launch another major offensive. Eighth Army breaks contact with the enemy and withdraws to a new defensive line south of the Han River.
  • Eighth Army reaches 38th Parallel.

    Eighth Army reaches 38th Parallel.
    Eighth Army reaches 38th Parallel. Enemy resistance continues to be light, but intelligence indicates that the Chinese are massing their forces for another major offensive.
  • Armistice Negotiations Begin

    Armistice Negotiations Begin
    Armistice negotiations begin as both the US and the PRC decide that the costs are too high to unify the peninsula under their Korean ally, and they instead settle for a continuation of a Korea divided between two regimes.
  • Armistice formally re-established the division of Korea

    Armistice formally re-established the division of Korea
    Formal peace treaty never signed. Over 1,000,000 Koreans and 54,000 Americans killed in conflict plus thousands who die as prisoners of war
  • End of War

    End of War
    Armistice signed at Panmunjom. Both sides then withdraw slightly to create a demilitarized zone between the two Korean regimes
  • Overall Result

    Overall Result
    General McArthur was relieved for not obeying Harry S Truman's orders.