Korean and Vietnam Wars

  • Gen. Douglas MacArthur designated commander of unified UN forces

  • North Korea invades South Korea

  • UN asks for UN members to aid South Korea

  • President Truman sends 35-man military advisory group to aid French fighting to maintain colonial power in Vietnam.

  • Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway replaces MacArthur after he threatens Chinese

  • Armistice signed

  • U.S. planes begin combat missions over South Vietnam.

    In June, 23,000 American advisers committed to combat. By end of year over 184,000 U.S. troops in area.
  • U.S. troops invade Cambodia in order to destroy North Vietnamese sanctuaries

  • Nixon orders “Christmas bombing”

  • South Vietnamese government surrenders to North Vietnam.

    U.S. Marine embassy guards and U.S. civilians and dependents evacuated