Kite Runner Timeline & The History of Afghanistan

  • Amir is born

    In the book, Amir states "1994, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me"(Hosseini 6). The fact that Amir's mother died giving​ birth to him, like Hassan, may be a defining factor in the way that he grew up. Living with someone as stern as Baba with no offset or mediator must have made many aspects of Amir's life difficult.
  • Hassan is born

    In the book, it describes Hassan being born, "in that little the winter of 1964"(Hosseini 6). After he is born his mother runs away because of Hasan's cleft lip. How he is so kind and loyal throughout the rest of the book seems irrational because of his childhood trauma of not having a mother, but this occurrence​ may be the defining factor in shaping his character.
  • Amir witnesses Hassans rape

    Amir says that he," became what [he] is today at the age of twelve"(Hosseini 1). This event sparks the beginning of the plot of the entire book and effects many of the relationships and events that happen throughout the book. This also marks the beginning of Amirs regret and depression, and causes him to try to attone later in the book
  • Amir turns 13

    In the summer of 1976 Amir, "turned 13"(Hosseini 78). This event is when Amir is beginning to be seen like a man, rather than a boy bay both baba and the Afghan​ people. It also shows Amir and Baba's relationship getting stronger, while Amir and Hassan's already dwindling friendship to get even worse.
  • First Soviet Forces Arrive in Afghanistan

    After having little influence in Afghanistan, the soviet forces "descended into a prolonged bloody occupation"(New York Times 2).
  • Amir and Baba escape

    Amir and baba travel in a big truck with lots of other people in order to escape and they "left Kabul just after two in the morning"(Hosseini 93). Baba and Amir leaving starts the chain of events that happen in America such as Amir meeting Soraya, and Rahim Khan calling him back. This event is important to Amir learning valuable morals and great lessons from his father and others.
  • Amir and Baba Start Selling at the Flea Market

    In 1984 Baba and Amir, "drove to the...flea market"(Hosseini 115)[page numbers might not be correct I used a pdf because I forgot my book in my locker on the night I am doing this]. This event helps Amir to find Soraya, and that changes the plot dramatically. It also becomes a way for Amir to bond with Baba​ and helps them to become closer.
  • Baba gets diagnosed with lung cancer

    Baba smokes, and shortly after moving to the US he is diagnosed with, "Oat Cell Carcinoma", or in other words lung cancer. Now with the new expiration date, Baba has a short time to atone for the things he has done and to build a better relationship with Amir. It also shows another moral that he has because he is willing to not take the chemotherapy that they offered.
  • Rahim Khan finds Hassan and Brings him Home

    Amir goes to, "Hazarajat to find Hassan in 1986'"(Hosseini 203), he does this because he is lonely in Baba's house, and needs someone to take care of it due to his arthritis. Causing Hassan to be brought back into the plot line. Setting it up for Amir to be called back by Rahim Khan and ultimately bringing the two parts of Amir's life back together.
  • Baba Dies

    One night, Baba decides to not take his medicine and, "Baba never woke up"(Hosseini 173). This marks the beginning of Amir's life without a father and forces him to take more control of his life. Showing that Baba's death was an important event that affected​ the plot.
  • Amir and Soraya get married

    Amir and Soraya get married quickly because Baba has very little time left to live, "one month after the wedding"(Hosseini 148) he dies, and we are all glad he got to see it. Their marriage is like the last hurrah for Baba, and it is his way of spoiling Amir one last time. It may have just been to impress the other families but it must have​ meant a lot to Amir, and he thought that he really cared about him.
  • Amir publishes his first novel

    After baba dies Amir publishes his first novel, "a father-son story set in Kabul"(Hosseini 182). This novel must represent the childhood that Amir and Baba had in Kabul. After Baba's death, writing the book may have been Amir's way of remembering his father.
  • Soviet Troops Leave

    After more than nine years of being in Afghanistan, "the last soviet troops left" (New York Times) leaving the country devastated.
  • Pakistan Helps the Taliban Take Over Afghanistan

    While the Taliban were growing, "Pakistani intelligence officers began funneling arms, money and supplies" (New York Times) to the Taliban.
  • The Taliban is In control of Afghanistan

    Once the Taliban had taken over with the help of Pakistan, "imposing strict fundamentalist Islamic Law, banning movies and music and forcing women out of schools and into all-covering burkas"( New York Times 3).
  • Bin Laden Arrives in Afganistan

    The Taliban also provided protection for Asama Bin Laden who "arrived by chartered jet in Jalalabad land"(New York Times 3).
  • United States Invasion

    The United States gets involved after 9/11 attacks by Al Qaeda. After asking for Bin Laden and being denied they, "joined forces with the rebel forces.. and drove the Taliban out of the major cities"(New York Times 4) and into the Tora Bora mountains.
  • Taliban Resurgence

    After America is distracted by Iraq the Taliban began to "extend their influence in the southern part of Afghanistan"(New York Times 4).
  • Amir gets the phone call from Rahim Khan

    After getting the phone call from Rahim, and receiving the news that he is dying, Amir, "lowered the phone into its cradle" (Hosseini 164). This phone call is the reason that Amir went home, and furthermore sparked all of the following events in the book. Showing the bond that they had in his early life created a bond that allows for concern towards each others health.
  • Amir and Sohrab arrive home in America

    Amir and Sohrab arrived home, "on a warm sunny day in Agust, 2001". When they got home, Amir realized just how much he missed Soraya and allowed for their relationship to be new once again. It also allowed all of the events that lead to Sohrab's eventual happiness to occur, such as; the kite flying tournament.
  • Sohrab tries to commit suicide

    Amir "stepped [into] the bathroom"(Hosseini 305) and found Sohrab in the bathtub, having just tried to commit suicide. Although Amir and the doctors are able to save him, this event shows how badly Sohrab feels, and the amount of trauma that he has been through is starting to catch up with him. It also shows Amir just how depressed and sad Sohrab is​ and forces him to start trying harder.
  • Sohrab Smiles

    When Amir takes them to the lake, he and Sohrab fly kites and, "one corner of [his] mouth had curled up just so"(Hosseini 370). This shows the hope that is left for Sohrab to be happy and have a fulfilled​ life in America. Even after all of the hard times he has been through.
  • Obamas War Begins

    During a debate with Vice President Biden, we learn of Obama's intention, "to widen United States involvement in Afghanistan"(New York Times 4).
  • Obama Promises more Troops

    In 2009 Barack gave a speech that, "announced his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops"(New York Times 4) in Afganistan, promising to bring them home in 2011.
  • Period: to

    American Troops Being Pulled out of Afganistan

    Obama wants to pull troops out in 2011, but , "the Obama Administration changed its tone to increasingly emphasize the idea that the United States will have forces in the country until at least to the end of 2014" (New York Times 4), to make sure that the Afghans are safe and don't think that they are being walked out on.