Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Ali was adopted

    Amir's granfather,"adopted [Alli] into his own household and told the other servants to tutor him but to be kind to him" (25). Alli's adoption created a bond between Alli and Baba. In alot of ways the bond they shared shaped the men who they would become.
  • Amir's mother dies

    In the winter of 1963 Amir's mother," died giving birth [to him]" (6). Amir's mother passing is a signanefent event, for it changes who Amir is forver. If Amir had his mother he would've had a different relationship with his father which would drastiaclly change not only the character, but the whole plot itself.
  • Amir's First Story

    In July of 1973 Amir,"wrote [his] first short story" (30). This is the first event in which leads to Amir's choice in carear as a writer. This first story starts Amir's dream to write.
  • Daoud Khans takes reign of Afghanistan

    Everything changed on the 17th of July in 1973 when," Daoud Khan had ended the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup"(36). The end of the kings reign starts the beginning of the era of war and trouble in Afghanistan. This event is followed by many horrible ones.
  • Hassan's face is fixed

    On Hassan's birthday Babba brought Dr.Kumar whos
  • Hassan was violated

    Hasseni writes,"in the winter of 1975, I saw Hassan run a kite for the last time"(55). The importance of this event is obvious. This one event changes and touches every single character in the novel, and impacts every aspect of the plot.
  • Beginning of Soviet Invasion

    In 1979, "the first soviet troops parachuted into Kabul "(2)
  • Baba and Amir Depart for America

    Amir recalls that,"there were others, in all about a dozen, including baba and me, sitting with our suitcases between our legs, cramped wuth these strangers in the tarpaulin covered cab of an old russian truck"(118). Baba's and Amir's departure reveals the severity of what is happening in Afghanistan at the time. Because if Baba and Amir are so desperate to leave their beloveded home, then Aghanistan must be facing some super hard times.
  • Baba and Amir Arrive in America

    In the year 1982," we'd stepped off the Boeing from Peshawar"(129). Their arrival begins a new chapter in both of their lives. For Amir, this change seems to be more positive with and chance to move on and grow up. However this change is hard for Baba because he had to leave his luxurious life and beloveded family in Afghanistan.
  • Amir Graduates High School

    In the summer of 1983 Amir," graduated high school at the age of 20" (131). Amir's graduation from high school started his life in America. His graduation also shows his success in adapting to the American way.
  • Baba diagnosed with cancer

    Baba was diagnosed with,'Oat Cell Carcinoma. Advanced. Inoperable"(156). Baba's illness results it many things. One being Amir's manhood, for now Amir is the one having to take care of Baba. Also his cancer results in his death which caused a sorrowness in his family and the Afghan community.
  • Amir Finishes First Novel

    Amir states,"About six months before the Soviets withdrew from Afghanistan, I finished my first novel, a father-son story set in Kabul"(182). By finishing his first novel, Amir proves himself as a serious writer. Even with all the critics he had, he never gave up and accomplished his dream.
  • End of the Soviet Invasion

    Finally,"the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan" (2)
  • Sanaubar Returns

    One morning," a woman covered in a sky blue burqa koncked on the front gates"(209). Sanaubar's return was not only unexpected but an important event in the plot of the book.By returning, Sanaubar taught the lesson that it is never too late for apologies.
  • Sohrab is born

    Sanubar was the one who,"delivered Hassan's son that winter of 1990"(211). Sohrab is a very important character in The Kite Runner, for he was more than just a character. Sohrab wasn't just Hassan's son, he was everything to Hassan. To both Amir and Sanubar he was redemtion, for he gave them both a shot to make up all the years they weren't their for Hassan.
  • Post Effects of the Soviet Invasion

    By 1994,"power was anarchically divided" (2)
  • Mullah Omar GAining Followers

    Near the end of 1994 Mullah,"had nearly 12,000 followers"(2)
  • Bin Laden Arrives

    Bin Laden arrived," at Jalalabad Airport in May 1996" (3).
  • Taliban gains control

    After years of civil war," the extremist Islamic group had seized control" (1) .
  • Hassan Death

    Hassan's protesting caused the Tabilan to,"order him to kneel," and," [shoot] him in the back of the head"(219). Hassan was a major character in the novel, so his death was extremely significant in the book's plot and characters. Also it is what led Amir to look for Sohrab.
  • Amir goes to see Rahim Khan

    A week after recieving a call from a very sick Rahim Khan Amir is,"on a window seat aboard a Pakistan Internantional Airlines flight, watching a pair of uniformed airline workers remove the wheel chocks"(194). In leaving America, Amir is choosing to leave his new life to face the troubles of his past which shows the bravey he has gained with growing up. In addition, for Amir it is an attempt to atone for his childhood.
  • Amir and Sohrab arrive in America

    On a warm August day," we arrived home"(357). Arriving home was a closure of alot of thinsgs for both Amir and Sohrab. For Amir, it was a closure of what happened to him as a child becuase even though he can never erase his actions hee was able to atone for them. For Sohrab, he finally had a home, and considering everything he has been through now he has somewhere safe.
  • World Trade Center Attacked

    On Septemeber 11 2001, "the World Trede Center in New York was attacked" (3).
  • U.S Ivasion of Afgahnistan

    In the 2001 invasion american millitary," succeded in dislodging the Al Qaeda and removing the Taliban from power" (1).
  • Karzai made leader of Afghanistan

    After the defeat of the Taliban," Hamid Karzai was named chairman of an interim government" (3).
  • Obama deploys more troops

    Obama gave a speech announcing,"his plan to deploy 30,000 additional troops" (4)