Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • Baba built an Orphanage

    To try and make up for on of his sins Baba tried to atone for his misdeed by building an orphanage, "it took tree years to build the orphanage" (13). As a result of the ongoing wars, many children were left parentless, as a result more then half the population was under the age of fifteen. By building an orphanage Baba thought that it would make up for all his sins and misdeeds.
  • Daud Khan is now in power

    When the King Zahir Shah was in Italy, his cousin, Daud Khan, "had ended the king's forty-year reign with a bloodless coup" (36). During the night that this had happened, Ali had said that they were only duck hunting, when infact the King was being overthrown. The government had just changed to a dictatorship, creating more conflict amung the people, and soon resulting into violence.
  • Hassan Stands up to Assef

    When Amir and Hassan were confronted by Assef and his friends Hassan stood up to Assef by holding the "slingshot pointed directky at Assef's face" (42). If Hassan wasnt their to save Amir, Amir would have been hurt by Assef. By Hassan standing up to Assef it shows his true loyalty to Amir.
  • Hassan Gets violated

    When the last kite fell down it is a race to get it, the last kite to fall is a valuable posession if you get it. When Hassan ran and got the kite he encountered Assef and his friends. Assef wanted that kit but instead he said," I'll let you keep it so it will always remind you of what I'm about to do" (73). Hassan refused to give them the kite and as a result they violated him, scaring him for life. Once again Hassan proved his loayalty. Since Amir watched this happened, he lived in guilt.
  • Amir wins the Kite Constest

    When Amir looked up and saw that his kite was the lasr kite in the sky he could hear Hassan screaming, "We won! We won!" (66). Every year there is a kite flying contest and the winner is the person with the last kite flying in the air. When Amir won not only did he get recognized by his town, his father recognized him. Amir has been striving for his father's aproval and recognition, and he has finaly achieved it.
  • Ali and Hassan Leave

    In the summer of 1976 Ali states that, "[they] are leaving" and that "they can't live [there] anymore" (106). Ali know what Amir did to Hassan by not standing up for him, it scared Hassan for life. Not only did he do that he also framed Hassan for stealing money, when he was the one who took it. Throughout all of this Hassan never said a word and stayed true to Amir.
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    Firts Soviet trooops enter into Kabul

    On december 27, 1979 "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabule... to assist Babrak Karmal" (2). Babrak Karmal was the president of a group associated with the Afghan Communist leadership.
  • Escape to America

    Baba and Amir were trying to escape to America and to do that, they had to cross the border first. When they crossed the border Baba said," We're in Pakistan, Amir" (123). When the crossed the border is was the first sign of hope, and getting to America. From Pakistan they moved to Fremont California.
  • Baba causes a Problem

    When Baba was going to the market to buy bread he didn't understand that it was an American policy to ask for ID. where they grew up in Kabul they "snapped a tree branch and used it as a credit card... At the end of the month [Baba] would paid" for the bread. Baba wasn't used to the American way of life, and as a result it effected his relations with other people. This was the first time he realized that he was of a lower social economical status.
  • Amir met Soraya

    That night after Amir Met Soraya at the flea market, his "heart stuttered at the thought of her" (142). Amir met the love of his life at a flea market and one could say he was "love struck." From that day on Soraya and Amir's relationship flourished.
  • Baba has cancer

    When Baba went to the doctor because of his cough, the doctor said that Baba has a "spot on his right lung" (154). He later confirmed that Baba had cancer. Once Baba was diagnosed with cancer he became weaker everyday. It soon effected his work and his daily life.
  • Amir and Soraya get engaged

    Baba became very weak and had to go to the hospital. When he was emitted from the hospital he told Amir that "the general accepeted" (163). Baba spent $35,000, almost his whole life savings, on Amir's wedding. He knew that he was going to die soon, and he wanted to be there for his son's wedding.
  • Baba Dies

    A few weeks after the wedding, Baba died. People showed up at the mosque and said tnice hings such as "... bless him" (174). Baba's death was very hard on many people especiallly Amir. When people were saying their prayers, Amir realized how Baba defined him. Baba influenced Amir greatly, and without this figure in his life Amir is very confused about whp he is.
  • Amir tries to find Hassan

    In 1986 Amir "went to Hazarajat to find Hassan" (203). Amir wanted to find Hassan because he was lonely and becasue he wanted to appologize to him. When Amir finds out that Hassan and his family were killed it made him feal more guilt. His guilt led him to atone for his actions by trying to find Hassan's son in the orphanage.
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    Rusia Leaves

    After the UN conducted peace talks "the last soviet troops left Afghanistan in February 1989" (2).
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    Afghanistan competes for power

    Once the Soviet reunion left "Afghanistan descended into vicious internecine strife... power was anarchically divided among competing warlords and individual fiefdoms" (2).
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    Taliban takes control

    After the fighting had stopped the "Taliban ... had taken control of Afghanistan" (3).
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    Help of Al Qaeda

    People say that in 1996 "Al Qaeda helped persuade Mullah Omar to order the destrucction of the 800-year-old Buddah startues" (3).
  • Amir Fights for Sohrab

    Amir found the Taliban leader who took Sohrab in and agreeded to fight him for Sohrab when he found out that it was Assef. When Amir was able to escape he understood that the "brass ball was stuck in his empty eye socket" (191). Sohrab shot one of the brass balls and it hit Assef in the face. When Amir and Sohrab were able to escape successfully, it gave them hope of a better life. Amir also felt that by takingin Hassan's son, he is able to atone for everything that he did to Hassan.
  • Sohrab Tries to commit suicide

    When Amir told Sohrab that he might have to go back to an orphanage Sohrab did not like that idea. The next day when Amir went to tell Sohrab that he didnt have to go to the orphanage he found him laying in the bath tub with blood everywhere. Amir was "on [his] knees, screaming" (343). At the hospital they were able to save Sohrab, but from that day forwards Sohrab was mute. He was able to talk, but he chose not to. When Sohrab was able to leave the hospital the went back to the USA.
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    USA gets involved

    When Al Quaeda wouldn't hand over Bin Laden the "United states joinded forces with the rebel groups that had never accepted Taliban rule" (3).
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    In september of 2001, after the attack of the worl trade center, "President George W. Bush gave the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. Bin Laden" (3). who was respondible for the attack.
  • New leader

    In December of 2001 Hamid Karzai "was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban, making him the leader of the country" (4).
  • Taliban still fighting

    Despitet the new leader "Taliban continued to wage guerilla warfare" (3).
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    Obama tries to bring war to an end

    President Obama starts to bring troops home and says that the USA "could not afford and should not have to sholder an open-ended commitment" (4).