Kite Runner & the History of Afghanistan

  • baba and coloring books

    While raising Amir, Baba noticed his intrest in reading but never understood it. He wanted the habbit to stop but Rahim Khan explained that, "Children are not coloring books. You don't get to fill them in with your favorite colors"(21). That helped Baba realize that he must let Amir turn in to the boy he wants to be. All Baba needs to do is guide him in the right direction.
  • amirs stories

    Amir enjoys to dabble in the art of writing stories, but "maybe Baba wouldn't yawn and steal looks at his wristwatch all the time. Maybe Baba would even read one of my stories. I'd write him a hundred if I thought he'd read one"(56). That shows how Baba shows zero interest in Amirs talented writing skills. That makes Amir feel quite underapprecieted and depressed.
  • more wise words

    Baba taught Hassan and Amir soemthing very important and that was that is,"better to get hurt by the truth than comfronted with a lie"(58). That advice would be very helpful later in both of their lives. It also shows them to always the truth.
  • amirs guilt

    Amir is extremely overwhelmed with guilt due to the fact that, "He [I] watched Hassan get raped"(86). That had to leave some mental trauma on Amir. In that position, he was conflicted on what to do.
  • pomogranite throwing

    In a act to atone for his sins, Amir "hit him with another pomogranite, in the shoulder, this time the juice splattered in his face"(92). This shows how Amir is over loaded with amounts of guilt and he could not take it anymore. He tries to put Hassan in a position where he can fight back, but hassan does not react in the way that Amir hoped he would
  • Hassans kite

    Once winter hit Afghanistan Amir he, "saw Hassan run a kite for the last time"(55). That was foreshadowing that something was going to happen to Hassan. Hinting that Hassan will be put in a position where he can no longer take part in kite running.
  • Hassan serving

    During Amir's birthday celebration Amir witnesses, "Hassan serving drinks to Assef and Wali from a silver platter"(100). Amir is in complete shock and cannot believe what he's seeing. How is it that after getting raped by someone, you then serve to them hand and foot?
  • insomnia

    All of the stress piling up on Amir because of watching Hassan get raped led him to, "become[came] an insomniac"(86). He developed a sleeping disorder due to an extreme level of stress. Sleeping relieves stress, but Amir cannot get the sleep he needs.
  • Baba

    Amir had a father that, "was rich and everyone knew him"(91). That expresses how Amir recieves special treatmeant since Baba is high in socioemoinic status. It also shows how everyone in Afghanistan must highly respect him for him to rich and well known.
  • Amir's watch

    After Amir's big birthday celebration one of Amir's gifts goes missing, so Baba asks Hassan, "Did you steal that money? Did you steal Amir's watch, Hassan"(105). Hassan is acussed due to the fact that he is a servant to Baba and Amir. Hassan had been framed in this situation.
  • leaving afghanistan

    It got to a point where Baba and Amir had to flee from Afghanistan because, "life [t]here is impossible for us now"(106). There life in Afghanistan was slowing progressing for the worse. It got so bad that Agha Sahib left the need to make Baba and Amir leave.
  • Soviet troops land

    In an act to help, "The first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on December 27, 1979 to assit Babrak Karmal, who had become president"(New York Times, 2)
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  • Air force gets involved

    It got to a point where Muslim traditon was extremely offended, but "After 1986, the Soviet Air Force was also rendered largely useless by advanced Stinger antiaircraft missiles"(New York Times, 2)
  • Soviet troops leave

    They came a long way, but it was woth it in the end because, "After peace talks moderated by the United Nations, the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan"(New York Times, 2).
  • Mullah Omar

    Mullah Omar kepting growing stronger and srtonger. To the point where, "By the end of 1994 Mullah Omar had nearly 12,00 followers and was rolling up the warlords to the north and east"(New York Times, 2)
  • Bin Laden arrives

    The Taliban created safety for Bin Laden, "Who arrived by charted jet at Jalalabad Airport"(New York Times, 3).
  • wise words of baba

    In the process of trying to get Soraya's hand in marriage there were some rough patches, but Baba explains to Amir that, "It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day can change the course of a whole lifetime"(142). The gave Amir inspiration to be patient yet persisant. It also gave Amir hope in that they would get married.
  • marriage problems

    Later in to Amir's marriage, he began to, "remember[ed] when we used to lay forehead to forehead, sharing afterglow kisses and whispering until our eyes drifted closed, whispering about tiny, curled toes, first smiles, first words, first steps"(193). Amir explains how much he misses the relationship with Soraya that they had in the beggining. He wishes that they could go back to when times were like that.
  • soviet union invasion

    In an act to remove the taliban, "The 2001 invasion succeeded in dislodging Al Qaeda and removing the Taliban from ower, but not in eradicting eith group"(New York Times, 1)
  • karzai government

    After the 9/11 attack there were many changes going on the government," The exiles former king of Afhanistan, was named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban"(New York Times, 3).
  • new president

    Hamid Karzai was coming into comand with a very positive outlook, "He hoped to secure peace for Afghanistan snd win the country much-needed international aid"(New York Times, 3).
  • Hassan & Sorab

    Amir put himself in Sorab's shoes and realized, "it always hurtr more to have and lose than to not have in the first place"(211). He is referring to how Sorab had lost Hassan and at such an early age. He is feeling a lot of pitty for Sorab.
  • Taliban resurgence

    The defeat did not discourage the Taliban what so ever they continued to persue what they believe in, 'The Taliban continued to wage a guerrilla warfare from a a base"(New York Times, 3).
  • new afghanistan

    With the taliban taking over Afghanistan, anyone can be a threat like, "the man who is with me wants to take this boy to a safe place"(252). The taliban can strike at any minute, when least expected. That is why everyone is taking such extreme precautions.
  • Obama takes control

    Obama gave a speak and, "announced his plan to deploy 30,00 additional troops"(New York Times, 4).