Kite Runner & the history of Afghanistan

  • Hassan was born

    Amir desribes his past and indicates that "in that little shack, Hassan was born"(Hosseini, 6). Growing up together in seperate homes has caused a great tension between Amir and Hassan.Beceause Amir views Hassan as a lower class for he lives in different environment than him, it proves that Amir feels superiority over Hassan.
  • Hassan's hairlip surgery

    Looking back on the moment where "Baba, Rahim Khan, Ali, and Amir had huddled around Hassan's bed... [but] now everyone in that room was either dead or dying"(Hosseini, 219). For Hassans birthday, Baba allowed him to get his hairlip removed which was significant because it proved Baba's love for Hassan who turns out to be his son. When Amir looks back on momments like this he realizes the importance of family for it was always around him.
  • Hassan gets sexually abused by Assef

    After searching for the kite, Hassan is raped by Assef while Amir "ran because [he] was a coward"( Hosseini, 77). Moreover, Hassan is taken advantage of at the fault of Amir for he did nothing to stop it. Amir proves his weakness as a friend as well as a person for he could not protect the one thing that mattered.
  • Ali and Hassan leave Baba and Amir

    Amir hoped that Ali and Hassan would get in trouble for being falsley acused for his actions but instead "Baba stunned [Amir] by saying, I forgive you"(Hosseini, 105). Even with Hassan admitting and saving Amir from being exposed, Baba is able to forgive for his love for them is more powerful then money. Because of Baba's forgivness, Amirs relationship with Hassan is no longer there because of Amirs betrayal. The significant actions that Amir didn't take caused his family and himself to suffer.
  • Soviet troops first invade

    Afghanistan suffered greatly when "the first Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul on Dec, 1979, to assit Babrak Karmal"(NYT, 1).
  • Baba and Amir flee from Kabul

    In order to escape the corrupt living circumstances in Afghanistan, Amir and Baba had to deal with being " cramped with these strangers in the tarpaulin-covered cab of an old Russian truck" (Hosseini, 110). The Taliban took over Afghanistan leaving all the familites in chaos like Amir and Baba.Acting only on love for Amir, Baba gave up his entire past in order to rekindle the future proving the signifance in this action which was based on love and friendship.
  • Hassan and Farzana are killed by the Taliban

    Instead of bowing down the Taliban like the rest of the community, "Hassan protested", which got him and his wife killed (Hosseini, 219). In order to defend Baba's house as well as his dignity, Hassan did what Amir could never do. He risked his life as well as his family to protect his name as well as putting up a fight.
  • Amir finished his first novel

    Amir worked and spent time on his first novel for it was "a father-son story set in Kabul, written mostly with the typewritter..."(Hosseini, 182). In order to cope with the past, Amir is able to channel his emtions by putting them into words. So, the only way to be able to survive with what he has done is to try to do what Hassan would have wanted, which iltimatly saves him from himself.
  • Soviet troops leave Afghanistan

    After the Soviet left, Afhanistan was "not onlu devastated by the war but that had become a beacon to Islamic extremist from across the globe..."(NYT, 2).
  • Sohrab is born

    Rahim described Sohrah as "a beautiful little boy, sweet as sugar, and had the temperament as his father"( Hosseini, 211). Another member has been added to the family which shows how important it is for Amir to go save him. Because of Sohrab, Amir is able to release his guilt and finally feel free for this is what he needed to mend.
  • Anarchically divided power

    After the Soviet Union left, Afghanistan was in chaos leaving "competing warlords and individual fiefdoms" fighting for power (NYT, 2).
  • Northern Alliance took over Kabul

    Rahim Khan tells Amir about the horrible circumstances that Kabul was now in for if you went " buy a carpet, you risked getting shot by a sniper or getting blown up by a rocket" (Hosseini, 198). It is now made clear that leaving Kabul was a smart decision for what is now there suffering in fear. Also, Amirs memmories are now disfigured for it is not the same and will never be again.Every family that was left in Kabul, now struggles to live where as Amir and Baba got out while they could.
  • Amir visits Rahim Khan

    After years and years of no communication between the two, Rahim tells Amir that "it's wonderfully strange to see you as a grown man"(Hosseini, 197). Being reunited sparks Amirs past actions which is ultimatly the reason Rahim has summoned him. In order to mend the past, Amir must be adviced to fix the future and save Hassans son for it's the least he could do.
  • Amir and Assef fight for Sohrab

    Even with getting nearly beaten to death, Amir "laughed because [he] saw that, in some hidden nook in a corner of [his] mind, [he'd] been looking forward to this (Hosseini. 288). Amir finally comes to the realization that he deserved what was coming and that in order to remove the heavy guilt that has been with him, he should be punished. Living his whole life with no consequenes has been hurting him so in order to finally move forward, he accpets Assefs actions which saves him in the end.
  • Rahim Khans "disapears"

    Rahim Khan wrote Amir a letter, letting asking him to "please not look for me. That is my final request to you"( Hoesseini, 302) Without Rahims adivce, Amir might not have atoned for his actions which prove the significance in Rahims request to be left alone. From this point on it is up to Amir to determine his own future as well as his Sohrab for he must appriciate all that Rahim has done.
  • Sohrab commits suicide

    Amir discovers Sohrab in the bathtub and he is told that "the boy had cut himself deeppy and had lost a great deal of blood" (Hosseini, 348). The threat of returning to the orphanage was powerful enough for Sohrab to risk his life, leaving him in a crtical state. Amir not only saved him but forever mended him by being the one person to stick by his side.
  • Amir and Sohrab return to America

    Returning home was a huge event in everyones life for Amir "had a glimpse of the mother she might have been..."(Hosseini, 358). Coming home now affects Amir and Soraya relationship for now they act as parents to take care of Sohrab. Bringing Sohrab should have a positive aspect on the family for they always wanted a child, but it seems that Sohrabs struggle to remain okay ends up hurting the family. Lastly, Amir now proves his loyalty to Hassan for his task has finally been fullfilled.
  • Results of 9/11 attacks

    The effect of 911 was huge causing "president George W. Bush [to give] the Taliban an ultimatum to hand over Mr. bin Laden"(NYT, 3).
  • Hamid Karzai

    Hamid karzai was "named chairman of an interim government that replaced the defeated Taliban" that gave him power over the country (NYT, 3).
  • The kites return

    After defeating a kite, Amir thinks deeply about a smile from Sohrab "because when spring comes, it melts the snow one flake at a time, and maybe I just witnessed the first flake melting" ( Hosseini, 371). Irony is a powerful thing in this situation for the kite ruined Hassan and Amir's friendship while now it mends Amir and Sohrabs friendship.Because of something so little, Amir is able to hold onto hope for he believes that Sohrab will come around one day.
  • Mr. Karzai president

    After being a leader in Afghanistan he "was elected to a five-year term as president"(NYT, 3).
  • General Petraeus

    A commander in Iraq "[took] charge of United States Central Command.. with responsibility for military operations in Iraq"(NYT, 4).
  • Mr. Obamas plan

    Mr. Obama gave a speech telling his "plan to deploy 30,00 additional troops"(NYT, 4).
  • General McChystal removed from office

    General McChystal was used for solving the problems between Afghanistan and Pakistand yet "President Obama removed [him] after contemptous quotes from the general and his staff" (NYT. 4).
  • United States Forces

    In order to fix this problem, "the Obama administrattion changed its tone to increasingly emphasize the idea that the Untied States will have forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (NYT, 4)