*Kite Runner and the History of Afghanistan

By 8_T_1
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  • Amir is born

    Using logic to anaylyze this statemnent, "Haassan was born in the winter of 1964, just one year after my mother died giving birth to me" (Hosseini 6), we can conclude that Amir was born in 1963. Obviously, this is an important event because without Amir, the main character, this story would not exist.
  • Hassan born

    Hassan, Amir's friend, "was born in the winter of 1964" (Hoseeini 6). This is an important event because Hassan was Amir's best friend. Without Hassan, Amir would've never goen on this entire adventure.
  • Fateful kite competition

    When Amir won the kite competition "in the winter of 1975, [he] saw Hassan run a kite for the last time" (Hosseini 55). This was the event that started it all. After this incident, Amir's and Hassan's lives were greatly changed.
  • Amir's big birthday party

    When Amir "turned turned thirteen that summer 1976" (Hosseini 93), Baba threw him a huge birthday party, in part to celebrate his kite-winning. After this event, everything seemed to go downhill for Amir.
  • USSR Invades Afghanistan

    On December 27 1979, "...Soviet troops parachuted into Kabul...to assist Barack Karmal" (NYT 2).
  • Baba and Amir go to Pakistan

    In march of 1981, Amir and Baba were "driv[en] ... tot eh relative safety of Pakistan" (Hosseini 110). Baba and Amir are escaping a dangerous Afghanistan to seek more peaceful lands. They eventually end up in the United States of America.
  • Amir graduates from HS

    After moving to America, Amir in "summer of 1983, [he] graduated from high school'' (Hosseini 131). Baba is very proud of Amir. This is one of Amir's last accomplishemnts while Baba is still alive. This also a big step in Amir's road to a writing career.
  • Amir's first "crush"

    Amir saw Soraya Taheri at a yard sale and his "heart stuttered at the though of her" (Hosseini 142). This made Amir look forward to every weekend when he would see her again. Knowing Soraya would also provide a big advantage later in the story.
  • Amir marries Soraya

    Amir told Baba "I want you to ask General Taheri for his daughter's hand" (161). Mr Taheri accepts, and Amir and Soraya are married. They begin life together, which later proves very helpful for Amir. This also proves Amir as an adult.
  • Baba dies

    One night, Baba went to sleep, requested to go without morphine, and "never woke up" (173). This concludes Amir's life of dependency on his father and begins his independent life as a young adult. At this point, Amir is a mature and fully independent member of society.
  • USSR Withdraws from Afghanistan

    The New York Times explaines "...the last Soviet troops left Afghanistan on February of 1989, in what was in effect a unilateral withdrawal" (NYT 2).
  • Amir publishes his first book

    When Amir finished his first novel, it was "released in the summer of...1989" (183). This is a major step in Amir's writing career. The money generated from the book also aids Amir's later adventure in Afghanistan.
  • Amir and Soraya unable to have children

    Amir and Soraya tried to have a baby "but a year passed and nothing happened" (Hosseini 184). When the doctor recieved the results, he suggested adoption as an option. This foreshadows what could happen in the following chapters, in which Amir does adopt a child.
  • Mullah Ohmar becomes popular

    In the closing months of 1994, "Mullah Omar had nearly 12,000 followers" (NYT 2).
  • Taliban Take Control of Afghanistan

    After Pakistan helped the orgnaization, "the Taliban by 1996 had taken control of Afghanistan" (NYT 3 ).
  • bin Laden arrives in Afghanistan

    In 1996, "bin Laden...arrived by chartered jet at Jalalabad Airport" (NYT 3).
  • Amir is summoned by Rahim Kahn

    One day, Rahim Khan called Amir, and Amir told Soraya "I have to go to Pakistan" (191) Realizing that there is one final thing he can do to atone for his sins years ago, he feels obligated to listen to Rahuim Khan.
  • Amir Fights Assef

    Assef would only give Sohrab to Amir on one condition, to "give Assef a good fight" (288). This is the climax scene. Amir has been working so hard to retrieve Sohrab and atone for his sins, and this is one of the last obstacles he must get through.
  • Amir and Sohrab Arrive in the US

    Amir and Sihrab "arrived home...on a warm day in August 2001" (357). Amir has finally accomlished his mission, However, there is still plenty of uncertainty in Sohrab's new life in the United States.
  • 9/11 Attacks and Bin Laden summoned

    The New York Times explaines "after the attack on the World Trade Center in New York on Sept 11, 2001, Bush gave the Taliban an ultmatum to hand over Mr Bin Laden" (NYT 3).
  • Taliban falls

    The United States and the Norther Alliance "drove the Taliban out of the Majo Afghan cities " (NYT 3).
  • Amir, Sohrab, and Soraya go to a festival

    When Amir took Sohrab to an Afghan festival and they flew a kite and cut the final kite, Amir spotted "one corner of [Sohrab's] mouth had curled up just so. A smile" (Hosseini 370). After many months of muteness and blankness, Sohrab has finally showed a slight hint of happiness in his new home. This could mean that Sohrab is finally adjusting and being content with his new life.
  • Hamid Karzai becomes President

    Promising hope for the screwed up country, "Mr Karzai was elected to a five-year term as president in 2004" (NYT 3).
  • General Petraeus takes command

    The New York Times explains "General Petraeus...had taken charge of United States Command with resposiblity for military operations" (NYT 4).
  • American forces supposed to withdraw

    In 2011, the Obama administration decided to "have American forces in the country until at least the end of 2014" (NYT 4).