Flag of hawaii (1816).svg

King Kamehameha

  • overturn the naha stone

    overturn the naha stone
    Legend says whoever can turn the naha stone will unite the island and in 1775 kamehameha turned the stone
  • meeting captian cook

    meeting captian cook
    King kamehameha though captian Cooks boat was the god lonos boat.
  • kalani opuu death

    kalani opuu death
    Kalaniopu'u died from squating sickness and they wouldent asve him
  • Battle of Mokuʻōhai

    Battle of Mokuʻōhai
    the Battle of Mokuʻōhai is a battle that was fought in keeikono.during the battle kiwalao was killed.
  • hawaiians start to trade sandlewood

    hawaiians start to trade sandlewood
    Sea captins were in need of sandalwood.they came to hawaii to trade sandalwood.
  • puukohlaheiau was compleated

    puukohlaheiau was compleated
    this hisotrical land mark was built beacause a kahuna told kamehameha to build it in order to conquer all the islands but he didint do it until he found out keoua was plundering his birth island so kamehameha killed him.
  • Period: to

    king kamehamehas reign

  • Battle of Nuʻuanu

    Battle of Nuʻuanu
    battle of Nuʻuanu was taking place in oahu.King kamehamehas army pushed the enemys off the cliff.
  • population

    the hawaiian population was about 500,000 people.
  • the islands

    king kamehameha united the islands.
  • russians

    the russians settled in hawaii.
  • Period: to

    LIholiho reign

  • Period: to


  • kapu system

    kapu system
    king kamehameha banned the kapu system.
  • the end of kapu

    the end of kapu
    When King Kamehameha died his son Liholiho became Kamehameha the second.Ka'ahumanu said "i am the new kahina nui kamehameha said i will be kahina nui"."I have as much power as liholiho" kaahumanu said.Kaahumanu did not like the kapu because women did not have as much rights as men did.Kaahumanu broke the kapu by eating with men.The people did not see them get punished by the gods so later on the kapu was ended because they did not belive in kapu anymore.
  • arrival of the first missionaries from boston.

    this date tells about the first missionaries from boston that came to hawaii.
  • population

    the hawaiian population decreeased to 125,000 people.
  • Period: to

    whaling economy

    whaling began in 1825.whailing ended in 1860
  • The first plantation

    The first plantation
    There was three young Englanders that came to hawaii they started a sugar cane plantation.they had many troubles but they did it and it was succesfull.
  • The great Mahele of 1848

    The great mahele was like a rule or soething about a rule.
  • population

    the hawaiian population decreased to about 80,000 people.
  • population

    the hawaiian population 30,000 people.