
Key Terms Unit #3

  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    the 16th Amendment was created in 1789 , but was latter revised in 1992. It gives congress the power to lay and collect taxes on incomes.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The 17 Amendment created in 1785 and was later revised in 1992 . The 17 amendment is a kind of rules and laws that goes with the the Senate of the United States. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State.
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
    The Congress and the several States shall have concurrent power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. It was illegal to transport liquor for a year . But it didn't last for long .
  • Urbanization

    Urbanization is the process of making an area urban . Is an area that provides recurses and jobs in the 18th century as people moved west many parts of america we being urbanized due to it vast recourse
  • Immigration &the american Dream

    Immigration &the american Dream
    Immigration & The American Dream , the American dream is what really pouched many Immigrants to move to the U.S during 18 century . The US was providing land and jobs for many so there was a big boost in Immigration.
  • political machines

    political machines
    A political machines is political boss a leader of a political machine who controls votes. In the 18th century it was William Magear . Then in the 19th to 20th century it was Tammany Hall machine that controlled New York City's.
  • Third parties politics

    Third parties politics
    third parties politics is parties that have different views . In America we have two Republican Or Democratic . Third parties politics can be different from those two .
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    Manifest Destiny is a term that was used in 19th century . Manifest Destiny convinced a lot of americans to move west . It was there destiny to move west , from sea to shiny sea
  • Indian removal

    Indian removal
    was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830. The act push Indians out of the villages and moved them more west . They were all moved to unsettled land or around the Mississippi river .
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Andrew Carnegie work in the railroad industry after moving to America .In 1889 he owned one of the largest railroad companies , Carnegie Steel Corporation. He sold his company in 1865, and devoted the rest of his life to help people .
  • Civil Service Reform

    Civil Service Reform
    Civil Service Reform was enacted in 1883. It establish that federal government should be establishes as awarded on the basis of merit instead of political affiliation.It made it legal to firer government officials for political reasons
  • Suffrage

    Suffrage is the right to vote in an election . Women wanted suffrage for the first amendment . And there also wanted men to stop drinking
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Homestead Act convinced many Americans to move west . It provided land to the settlers that moved west . About 160 acres of land , but the conditions were terrible .
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    Susan B. Anthony was born February 15, 1820 in Adams, Massachusetts. She was an anti-slavery petitions at the age of 17. In 1863 she help found the women's Loyal national league , which help get 400,000 signatures to help stop slavery and give rights to all people
  • The Gilded Age

    The Gilded Age
    The Gilded Age started in 1870s to about 1900. It was a time where the United States seemed Unstoppable , our economy was booming, and everyone had some way of making income . Railroads ,factory system, mining, and finance ha major growth.
  • Industrialization

    Industrialization is the growth in the economy ,country or region on a wide scale. It started in 1870 to 1916 in America.It continued steadily up to and through the American Civil War .
  • Nativism

    Nativism is the hatred agenst other race that is not yours. The revival or perpetuation of an indigenous culture especially in opposition to acculturation.For the U.S it was native Americans , we saw them as foreigners.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Haymarket Riot
    Haymarket Riot also known as the Haymarket massacre . Was the after math of a bombing that happened in Chicago . It started as peaceful rally but ended with bloodshed.
  • Dawes Act

    Dawes Act
    Dawes Act also know as the General Allotment Act . Gave the the President of the United States the right to survey American Indian tribal land .It also gave natives U.S Citizenships .
  • Populism & Progressivism

    Populism & Progressivism
    Progressivism followers or support are rich , and powerful politicians. People who follow populism are the 99 % ,your everyday people . Both were based on the people's dissatisfaction with government and its inability to deal effectively in addressing the problems of the day.
  • Klondike Gold Rush

    Klondike Gold Rush
    Many people travailed to Klondike when word found out that there was large amounts of gold in Alaska . Trails were created so people could navigate through Alaska
  • Initiative & referendum

    Initiative & referendum
    Initiative & referendum is the way our politics work .We vote but which ever candidate has the most votes win that state.The which ever gets the most state wins the election
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    Theodore Roosevelt was the 26th president of the united states .he also leading the Rough Riders in a battle at San Juan Hill in Cuba.He all os helped build the Panama Canal
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    Upton Sinclair is a famous american writer who wrote many books.He won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1943. he is best known for his 1906 expose of the meatpacking industry, "The Jungle."
  • Pure Food and Drug Act

    Pure Food and Drug Act
    Pure Food and Drug Act was put in place to stop the manufacturing of food that that were danseurs to people . Or preventing such food and liquid from being manufacture. Most of those products have to be FDA approved before being sold
  • Eugene V. Debbs

    Eugene V. Debbs
    Was born in Haute, Indiana in 1855. In 1893 he become president of the american railway union .He was also president of the socialist party on till his U.S. citizenship, which he lost when he was convicted of sedition in 1918.
  • Ida B. Wells

    Ida B. Wells
    Ida B. Wells was born a slave in July 16, 1862. Ida B. Wells became a writer , she wrote about race and politics in the South.She created the first African-American kindergarten in her community and fought for women's suffrage.
  • Federal Reserve Act

    Federal Reserve Act
    Federal Reserve Act was created in 1913 . Federal Reserve Act was a U.S. legislation that created the current Federal Reserve System.
  • William jennings Bryan

    William jennings Bryan
    William jennings Bryan was born on March 19, 1860 in Salem Illinois.

    He won the election for U.S. House of Representatives in the 1890 .He also was 41st United States Secretary of State from March 5, 1913 to June 9, 1915 .
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    Jane Addams was born 6 September 1860, Cedarvill. She was the second women to ever to receive the Peace Prize.She founded the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom in 1919.
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    Clarence Darrow was born on April 18, 1857 in Kinsman , Ohio. Clarence Darrow was a member of the American Civil Liberties Union and also a lawyer . He defended ore was involved in high-end cases .
  • 19th Amendment

    19th Amendment
    The right for All american citizens to vote no matter there sex . Many woman fight for this right because it gave them the right to vote . The movement was called the women's suffrage.