Key Terms

  • Urbanization

    The process of making a piece of land urban.
  • industrialization

    The development of industries in a region
  • Susan B. Anthony

    Susan B. Anthony
    American social reformer and woman's rights activist played a major role in women's suffrage
  • Indian Removal Act

    Indian Removal Act
    authorizing the president to grant unsettled lands west of the Mississippi in exchange for Indian lands within existing state borders.
  • Andrew Carnegie

    Andrew Carnegie
    Scottish-American industrialist. Led the expansion of the American steel industry in the 19th century.
  • Manifest Destiny

    Manifest Destiny
    The 19th Century movement that moved americans from the East to West due to its God's desire for us to head West.
  • Suffrage

    The right for women to vote in political
  • Nativism

    Protecting the interests of native born or established inhabitants against those of immigrants.
  • Third parties politics

    Third parties politics
    third party is any party contending for votes that failed to outpoll either of its two strongest rivals.
  • Eugene V. Debs

    Eugene V. Debs
    American union leader, a founding father in the Industrial Workers of the World.Part of the socialists political party.
  • Clarence Darrow

    Clarence Darrow
    American Lawyer who was a leader of the American Civil Liberties Union and an advocate for Georgist economic reform.
  • Jane Addams

    Jane Addams
    Known as the mother of social work. A pioneer American settlement activist.Leader in woman's suffrage.
  • Ida B Wells

    Ida B Wells
    She was an early leader of the civil rights movement and feminist.
  • Homestead act

    Promoted migration to the west by providing settles 160 acres of land. Must have 5 years of making the land better before gaining ownership.
  • The gilded age

    The gilded age
    An era of of serious social problems
  • Civil Service Reform

    Civil Service Reform
    Positions in the Federal Government should be awarded on the basis of merit instead of political affiliation
  • Haymaker riot

    Haymaker riot
    The aftermath of a bombing at a labor demonstration.
  • Dawes act

    Dawes act
    Authorized the President to survey Natives land and split it into individual pieces of land
  • Populism and Progressivism

    Populism and Progressivism
    Government could be used to better the society. A party that was formed from Farmers,Laborers and middle class activists. Peoples Party
  • William Jennings Bryan

    William Jennings Bryan
    A demanding force in the Democratic party standing 3 times as the top nominee for POTUS
  • Klondike gold rush

    Klondike gold rush
    A migration of about 100,000 prospectors to look for gold in Canada
  • Initiative and Referendum

    Initiative and Referendum
    enable the voters by petition to propose or repeal legislation or to remove an elected official from office.
  • Political Machines

    Political Machines
    A political organization who commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses.
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Theodore Roosevelt
    26th president of the United States of America from 1901 to 1909.
  • Pure food and drug act

    Pure food and drug act
    Prevention the manufacture of un healthy food and drugs.
  • Muckraker

    gain by filth
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    A form of American foreign policy to further its aims in latin america and east Asia through its economic power.
  • 16th Amendment

    16th Amendment
    Allows the government to collect an income tax from all American Citizens
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    Established the Popular election of United States Senators by the people of the states
  • Federal reserve act

    Federal reserve act
    To establish a form of economic stability in the United States through the introduction of the Central Bank.
  • 18th amendment

    18th amendment
    Establish the prohibition of alcohol.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    Gave the women the right to vote.
  • Teapot dome scandal

    Teapot dome scandal
    A bribery incident during the administration of President Warren g harding
  • Immigration and the American Dream

    Immigration and the American Dream
    Wanting to work in the land of the free where you can choose your own destiny
  • Upton Sinclair

    Upton Sinclair
    American writer who close to 100 books. Won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction.