Key Question 5

  • US drops the atomic bomb on Japan to end WWII

    World War 2 haqd been going on for a while when the US decided to drop a bomb on Japan. They hoped this would teh war. They had planned 3 different targets before the event. Whichever was easiest, would be the one they used. The plane flew over Japan carrying the bomd named "Little Boy". They dropped the bomb on Hiroshima, and 3 days later in Nagasaki. This was a tragic event in both cities.
  • Cuban Revolution

    This event occured to overthrow Castro as the Cuban president. His people were convinced that communism was not the way the wanted to live anymore.His people were also told by other countries that by overthrowing Castro, they would have more freedoms.Many countries were willing to get involved to help this event occur.The overthrow of Castro also meant that some countries would be more approving of Cuba.This revolution had many benefits for their country.
  • Vietcong Formed

    The Vietcong was a political army that was formed in South Vietnam. Their goal was to fight the South Vietnam government and the the US. They used tactics such as, guerilla warfare. Many of the soliders were from South Vietnam. Their largest attack ever was the Tet Offensive. This was a series of attacks on highly populated areas in Vietnam.
  • Kennedy Becomes President

    John F. Kennedy served in the House Of Represenatives for several years before runnimg in the presidental election. He was 43 when he became the 35th president of the US. He was elected in 1960. He served his presidency through many hardships. Wars, and other various things were obsticles throughout this time.He was later assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
  • Blockade

    Thisblockade was a way for the US to effect Cuba.They decided that blockade would be a great idea for Cuba to be effected becasue they wouldn't be able to acomplish trades. Boats would not be able to leave or enter the country. Cuba was greatly bothered by this,but did't choose to use violence to solve the problem.
  • Us Employs Agent Orange

    Agent Orange is a mixture of two chemicals that the US used during the Vietnam war. It was made up of weed killers and toxic chemicals. This was used to destroy areas of trees, and to kill people.It was reported that 400,000 people were killed becasue of this product. Also, sereval thousand other people are still living with the consequences from being surrounded by it. This was a very effective tactic used by the US.
  • Bay of pigs

    The Bay of Pigs invaded Invasion took place in 1961. It was when the United States invaded Cuba. President Eisenhower needed a way to overthrow Castro , and felt that this was the correct way to do it. Following, John F. Kennedy became president and took over the duty of this invasion.This invasion was failed, and made Castro's people look up to him as a better leader.
  • "13 days' Cuban Missile Crisis

    This was an event that occured during the Cold war. A plane flying over the USSR saw a nuclear missile being built. The US was notified and began to build their own weapons. The powerful bombs could have destroyed many countries at once. Both countries were willing to use these at the others expense. After negotiating, the bombs were never used, but we came very close to it.
  • Kruschev announces the removal of missiles from Cuba

    The Cuban Missile caused the US and Cuba to come very close to using nuclear bombs. They negotiated for 13 days. The fate of their countries depended on each other. Kruschev fianally annouced that he wouldnt use his missiles.This was a relif to everyone.Also this was a great achievement for the US.
  • Diem Overthrown, Murdered

    Ngo Dinh Diem was the leader of South Vietnam. He tried to create The Republic Of Vietnam during his time in the office. He was assassinated on November 2, 1963 when he was 62. He was in office from 1955-1963.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Event

    The Gulf of Tonkin is an area of surrounded by water. The USS Maddox was guarding the area when it was approached by Vietnamese boats.Then, a sea battle broke out. Bullets were shot ,even airplanes flew over and attacked. This was a result of the Vietnam war which had been going on during this event. Some of the Vietnamese sailors were wounded, others died,but no US sailors were harmed.
  • RIchard Nixon Elected President

    Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the US. He served from 1969- 1974. He was the only President to ever resign from office. He was the replacement for President Kennedy. He was left with the aftermath of the Vietnam War, and also was in the office for some of it as well.
  • News Of My LAi Massacre reaches the US

    The My Lai Massacre was a mass murder done by the US. The killed hundreds of unarmed civilians in Vietnam. Aroung 30 soliders were allegedly involved,but only one person was ever punished for it. When the news was released, many people were outraged that the soliders would do something like that. They felt sorry for those that were innocent and killed anyway.
  • Tet Offensive

    The Tet Offensive was a military campaign. This was a series of surprise attacks on South Vietnam. This program was created by the Viet Cong, and North Vietnam. It was a way to help breakdown South Vietnam. The attacks proved successful to the US becasue before they felt like they were being defeated by them.
  • MLK Slain in Memphis

    MArtin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in his hotel room while he was in Memphis. He was a civil rights advocater for his career. His main goal was to get equal rights for races other than white. He organized marches and even protests to help get things go in the right direction. He was killed because of what he stood up for.
  • Kent State

    The shootins that occured were becasue of anti-war protestors. The people protesting were students at Kent State. The guns were fired by guardsmen.The purpose for protesting was the US involvment in the Vietnam war. THe protests had gotten out of control and the men were forced to use violence. Nine people were injured and four people died.
  • Last Americans Leave Vietnam

    After many years of war and violence, the US troops left Vietnam.The American people were very happy that our involvment was over. We had spent alot of time there, and acomplished what we essentiallly wanted to. This was a happy time for America.We could fianally have peace.
  • President Kennedy Is Assassinated

    Kennedy was in Dallas, Texas the day he was assassinated. He was riding in a car with his wife at a celebration. The presisdent was shot by a man who did this by himself. His name was Lee Harvey Oswald. While police were investigating, he was killed by another man. He never made it to trial.
  • Ford Calls Vietnam War "FInished"

    The war in Vietnam was finished for the United states. President Ford had called it to an end. Even though it was ended for the US, the other countries continued ot fight for 2 years after. This was not the peace we wanted. Although, we were out it lead to many future issues for Vietnam. They are currently one of the poorest countries in the world.