Kaylee F-Gabriela Mistral

By cnruncw
  • Birth

    Gabriela Mistral was born on April 7,1889 in a city named Vicuna, Chile
  • Family?

    Gabriela Mistral was only three when her father left the family to fend for themselves and fend they did. Her mother worked to support, but she always found time to home school Gabriela and give her the best education she could.
  • Sick Mother

    Sick Mother
    Gabriela's mother was very ill so Gabriela had to start work at an early age about 16 years old. She started working as a seamstress and a teachers assistant at a local school.
  • Lover?

    At the age of 18 Gabriela Mistral's met Romelio Ureta a runaway railroad worker. In 1909 Romelio Ureta committed suicide. which devastated Gabriela.
  • Inspiration!

    After the devastating death of her lover Gabriela wrote poems inspired by her lover and the pain she felt after his shocking death.
  • An Award

    An  Award
    Gabriela was awarded the Juegos Florales, Sonetos de la Muerte in 1914.
  • International work

    International work
    When she first moved to France Gabriela made a living off of journalism then giving lectures. She gave lectures all over the world in different countries including the United States and Latin American including Puerto Rico.
  • Touring the World!

    Touring the World!
    When Gabriela was not giving lectures she was touring. She toured the Caribbean. Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.
  • Consul

    Gabriela was invited to represent Latin America in the newly formed Institute for Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations. she served the consul until she died.
  • Traveling

    During the years 1926-1932 Gabriela moved back to France and Italy were she worked on her writing.
  • Nobel Prize!

    Nobel Prize!
    On 1945 Gabriela was awarded a Nobel prize in literature.
  • National award

    National award
    Gabriela Mistral was awarded the Chilean National Prize for Literature
  • Death

    Sadly Gabriela Mistral died on January 10th 1957 in the town of Hemp stead New York City. Gabriela had diabetes and heart problems and died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 67.