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  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    At the National Women's Conference Alice Paul and her supporters proposed the Equal Rights Amendment to the Congress. The ERA wanted equal rights for people of different race and every gender. The amendment had to be ratified by 38 states before being qualified to pass. It also had to be in affect for 2 years after ratification date. The women wanted this in affect because they were tired of being treated differently than the men just because they were different gender.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    This event was a huge change to history and women and people of different races life, and still to this day. If we still didn't have equal rights right now, all the women would be even more furious. Now women can participate in the same things men can and be a part of society. If you were a women with a family, this change could better your families life, because you could get a job and bring in some income for your family. It changed peoples life tremendously, now women are appreciated.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    Right now, in 2017, men and women and people of every race have equal opportunity by law to take part in events. Women being aloud to have a job, helps out a lot. If only men can have a job, then some businesses would shut down because not enough men want to take on this job.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    Today women are aloud to hold higher positions, such as President. This is a huge result of the ERA. Hilary Clinton ran for President, one of the first females to make it that far in an election, which is a huge accomplishment. Before the amendment took place she would have never been aloud to run. This event made the world better.
  • Equal Rights Amendment

    Equal Rights Amendment
    I would have wanted to attend this event, because as a female it is cool that brave women stood up for what was right, and changed the future for women and people of different race. This showed that women weren't going to lay down and let the men walk all over them just because they are different gender, we are just as equal. The only thing I would change would be that this was in affect sooner. Besides that, the amendment was a huge success.
  • The start of March Madness

    The start of March Madness
    On March 29, 1979 was a day that shaped college basketball and two future NBA stars. This was the game of all games. The basketball game took place in Salt Lake City, Michigan state versus Indiana State. Michigan State had Magic Johnson and Indiana state had Larry Bird. This game was going to be tough.
  • The start of March Madness

    The start of March Madness
    This championship would be the start of what we know it as March Madness. Nobody knew how the game was going to go. Michigan ended up winning the close, intense game. Later on down the road they both went to play in the NBA.
  • The start of March Madness

    The start of March Madness
    This game changed basketball because it started the March Madness and today everyone all over the nation watches it. This game was really cool because looking back from today everybody remembers that championship. The game was intense all the way through and nobody knew what would happen next.
  • The start of March Madness

    The start of March Madness
    Also it was neat that Magic Johnson was African American and he still was able to participate in a sport, let alone be the best and lead his team. This game made everyone excited because now every year in March there would be this tradition to carry on.
  • The start of March Madness

    The start of March Madness
    Since this event people all over the world watch March Madness, which brings in money to the owners and to businesses. Businesses make money because lots of people go to sports bars to watch big games. Now anyone is aloud to play in the NBA no matter the race.
    I would have wanted to be there, because I love basketball and it is fun to watch. It would have been a blast to watch one of the most talked about games. Who wouldn't want to tell everyone that you were at the start of March Madness.
  • The start of March Madness

    The start of March Madness
    The only thing I would have wanted to change was that March Madness was thought of sooner, otherwise it was a huge success.
  • The first Macintosh Computer

    The first Macintosh Computer
    Steve Jobs created the first Mac computer, he never knew that this one computer could take him so far. Steve claims he took a huge gamble with this computer. He created this to make web surfing easier and typing. The computer had a Hypercard installed in it, the card made it easier for people to type, text and use images. It made the world a World Wide Web. Now today a lot of things we use today is made of technology. Steve's headquarters for Apple is located in Cupertino, California.
  • The first Macintosh computer

    The first Macintosh computer
    The world has changed tremendously since we are capable of so much more because technology's abilities have went up. Now Apple has many locations all over the globe and every day they are working on a new device. They have created 7 apple phones. Now we have laptops instead of the big bulky computers. A lot of businesses have computers to do the work for them and before computers the people had to do the work y themselves. Now with technology it is easier to solve crimes and find criminals.
  • The first Macintosh computer

    The first Macintosh computer
    I think this event was unique because Steve created this computer and he never knew this was the start of the turning point in technology. I think that everyone was excited when this came out because everyone loves when a knew item is out and everyone is talking about it, like the iPhone.
  • The first Macintosh computer

    The first Macintosh computer
    Now with technology, it is faster and easier to solve a crime. Now they can take someone's fingerprint and enter it in the system and it finds the match and it's that simple. A lot of businesses use computers and softwares to make it easier to work. This project, I typed on a computer and was able to present it using technology, just think how boring school would be without being able to use technology. A huge result would be that our world is more efficient since the creation of technology.
  • The first Macintosh computer

    The first Macintosh computer
    I would have wanted to attend this event because then they didn't have new creations this big that could change the whole world. It is exciting when they create a new iPhone so I couldn't imagine something this big being created. The outcome is so important because in the beginning Steve did not know he would have many new items made and new offices all over. It was important that his company was successful because if it wasn't then we would not have any Apple products around.
  • The first Macintosh computer

    The first Macintosh computer
    The only thing I would have changed was that the computer wasn't so bulky and that they didn't have issues with them.
  • The Berlin Wall is knocked down

    The Berlin Wall is knocked down
    The Berlin Wall separated East and West Berlin, Germany. It was built on August 13, 1961. It was there to stop the flow of emigrants. You never crossed over unless a guard took you over. If you attempted, you were shot. The guards stood over and watched with weapons in there hands. The wall separated families and friends from each other. The wall was knocked down when the head of the east German Communist Party announced people could cross the border freely.
  • The Berlin Wall is knocked down

    The Berlin Wall is knocked down
    The wall was knocked down because people were in civil unrest. Some people climbed right over the wall and some were hesitant, they thought it was a trick.
    This event was important because families were split up and on opposite sides of the wall and didn't see there families for several years. If you were a young child, you would have to be able to survive without your family. When the wall was knocked down people could not believe it, they were excited because they could see their family.
  • The Berlin Wall is knocked down

    The Berlin Wall is knocked down
    The wall had so much of an effect on history because it was one of the most powerful symbols of the Cold War. It was such an important effect because during the time it was a huge reform in politics. While the wall was put up people lost there jobs so the economy went down. This also caused people to lose their livelihoods and be depressed because they got trapped on the wrong side. When the wall was knocked down, the economy rose again.
  • The Berlin Wall is knocked down

    The Berlin Wall is knocked down
    After this the west was no longer the side with the large salaries and political freedom and the large economy. Since this event Germany is back to being all equal but people are still upset that they lost money and jobs and even family and friends.
  • The Berlin Wall is knocked down

    The Berlin Wall is knocked down
    I would have wanted to attend this event because I know how bad they want to see their families and how long it has been so this day is very special for them. The only thing I would have changed to make it better was that the wall wasn't up as ling and people were not killed during this time.
  • Mae Jemison first African American in space

    Mae Jemison first African American in space
    Mae was the first African American on September 12, 1992 to fly into space, after this accomplishment she was honored with many awards and doctorates. She was on the Endeavour when she mad this huge accomplishment. Mae was a huge role model to women showing them that they can do anything they set their minds to.
  • Mae Jemison first African American in space

    Mae Jemison first African American in space
    This event was huge because Mae going to space showed that just because she's a different race and a woman doesn't mean she can't make huge accomplishments like other people. This was unique because she was the first African American woman to be in space, and how cool is it to do that. People of her reads were excited because this event showed people that just because they are a different skin color doesn't mean they aren't capable of the same things other people can do. Mae is extremely brave.
  • Mae Jemison first African American in space

    Mae Jemison first African American in space
    This event changed history because she made history when she flew to space. Also it changed history because now African Americans are noticed for their abilities and achievments. A result could be the African American president we had or the sports players. They all had an impact on history. This has changed the world because then people of different race could not participate in anything and now they are some of the most important people and have helped the world.
  • Mae Jemison first African American in space

    Mae Jemison first African American in space
    I would have wanted to attend this event because she was the first woman to ever do this and it was just an awesome moment. The only thing that could have been done different was the hate other races showed towards her.
  • The Brady Law

    The Brady Law
    This law made people wait five business days before receiving their handgun while the sellers checked their backgrounds and personal records. This made it a little bit safer to trust people with a firearm. If The people find anything alarming in their background they will not receive the fire arm. This was in affect because untrustworthy people were getting their hands on weapons which is dangerous for the surrounding people. The Congress passed this bill to have a more safe environment.
  • The Brady law

    The Brady law
    This event was important because it gave people who sold guns more feeling of relief knowing the persons background before giving them the weapon. It also made it a bit harder for criminals to get a gun. I think it was unique because nobody has ever brought this to the attention of the world before but now this is not in affect. I bet that some people were upset because they wanted to own a firearm and couldn't because their background. Some were excited because they could have more trust.
  • The Brady Law

    The Brady Law
    I think when this was in affect it made the streets safer and made it harder for a criminal to get a firearm. When they checked the background people with bad record can not get a firearm so they were not aloud to legally own one. I think the world is different because people are aware that you should think about your actions or there is consequences,
  • The Brady Law

    The Brady Law
    I would have wanted to attend this event because I think this law should be in place today because it would make it safer, and untrustworthy people would not get the gun from a store if they have a bad background. The only thing I would change is that the law was still in place today.
  • 9-11

    On September 11, the day we all know as 9-11, the Twin Towers were attacked my planes of terrorists. This was a tragic day, it left many people devastated. This left the country vulnerable, we were scared of attack again so now we had to find ways to fight against terrorism. The terrorist sent two of the planes to crash into the towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, also attacked other places. When this took place it ended with extensive death and destruction.
  • 9-11

    Over 3,000 people killed in all three places total, including officers and firefighters. After this the U.S were aware of terrorism even more, now they took initiative against terrorist.
    This event was extremely important because lots of innocent people died and now that continues today all over the world by terrorist. The planes didn't just affect the three locations, they burning debris set fire to other buildings surrounding the Towers. America was officially under attack.
  • 9-11

    This changed America, we were aware of what could potentially happen again and we were not going to let it happen again. American started making airports safer so this could not happen. This affected people tremendously, people mourned about the attack not only because loss of loved ones, but because the country had just been attacked. People contributed to the country after, people hung the American flag everywhere and people appreciated it more.
  • 9-11

    Since this event Americans contributed to coming back from this event. People flew the flag as symbol of patriotism and some people wore pins and things to show how much they loved our country. Sports postponed games, and celebrities set up benefit concerts to honor the country and to give back. People all over the world participated in moments of silence. The world is different because the world made sure they felt safer and the country good prevent attack in the future.
  • 9-11

    I would have wanted to attend this event because this was an important event. This event made America more aware of terrorism and it is important tat we are aware because it goes on all over the world. I would have changed that so many people did not die but it is out of my control.
  • The invention of Snapchat

    The invention of Snapchat
    In 2011, Evan Spiegel released Snapchat. It is a social media app that allows you to share photos and videos to people. Snapchat is a very popular app and every update it gets better and better. Evan created Snapchat at Stanford University while studying Product Design. He eventually dropped out of college and he was only 23 when he created this successful app. Spiegel created this app because he wanted to create a photo sharing app that photo and messages could disappear, pick who receives it.
  • The invention of Snapchat

    The invention of Snapchat
    This event was important because Snapchat was a huge success and now is worth tons of money, and is a thriving app that everybody knows about. The app changes and each time it changes it is better. This was unique because nobody has created such a thing and he created it because he wanted something that everybody would like and would be fun. When this came out everybody that had the app love it because it was fun to send pictures back and forth with your friends, and now they have filters.
  • The invention of Snapchat

    The invention of Snapchat
    Snapchat is actually informational, it is not just a fun app. On Snapchat there are these stories you can click through and read, they are almost like magazine articles. They have new information everyday, including politics, sports, fashion and celebrity drama. They are actually enjoyable to look through when you are bored. Since the app, you can add people from all over the world so it can connect you to people, also a lot of people use Snapchat to get a hold of people.
  • Invention of Snapchat

    Invention of Snapchat
    Also using Snapchat, you can add people all over the world. Snapchat can be used to connect people. Most teenagers use Snapchat to get a hold of people. 160 million people a day are active on Snapchat. To me Snapchat is also informative because you can see what is going on all over the world through Snapchat. Also on Snapchat you can have celebrities and you can see what events are going on.
  • The invention of Snapchat

    The invention of Snapchat
    I would have wanted to attend this because I love Snapchat and I use it everyday. This app is a huge success and that is one reason I would have waned to attend it. It would be awesome to meet the creator of Snapchat. I would have changed one thing but it wouldn't have been the event it would be something on Snapchat and it would be that it does not require using data. I advise you all to get a Snapchat.
  • Change the future

    Change the future
    It is impossible to change the future for everyone but at least I have the power to change my future. I would first start by trying to help the less fortunate people who can't afford some of the necessary things. I could start by working with a charity or giving items to people in need. It would make me happy if I could put a smile on their faces. It would be nice for them to wake up without having to worry about struggling to support their family. It feels good to do things for others.
  • Change the future

    Change the future
    Changing the world is important because if I could make life better for me and other people I would. You could never make the world perfect because there is no such thing as perfect. I would try to just contribute to the community and be involved in anything I can to help out the place I live in. Being involved is good for the community, it makes it bette and you can meet new people. Doing this would make me happy and feel safe. It's good to be involved, it gives you opportunities in life.