Jon and Connor's Timeline

  • The Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth

    The Pilgrims Arrive in Plymouth
    In sixteenth-century England, a religious movement known as Puritanism arose which wanted to purge the Church of England of all vestiges of Roman Catholicism. The Puritans objected to elaborate church hierarchies and to church ceremonies and practices which lacked Biblical sanction and elevated priests above their congregation. This event was imporntant because without the pilgrims we wouldn't be here right now.
  • The Discovery of Tabacco

    The Discovery of Tabacco
    Lacking valuable minerals or other products in high demand, it appeared that Jamestown was an economic failure. After ten years, however, the colonists discovered that Virginia was an ideal place to cultivate tobacco. Since tobacco production rapidly exhausted the soil of nutrients, the English began to acquire new lands along the James River, encroaching on Indian hunting grounds.
    This event is imporntant because if we didn't grow tabacco at time Jamestown probably would have gone bankrupt.
  • Plymouth Colony foundedHouse of Burgesses established in Virginia

    Plymouth Colony foundedHouse of Burgesses established in Virginia
    An absolute monarchy is a state in which the monarch has sovereign power and controls all aspects of government without being checked by any representative assemblies. this event was important because it sends a mesage that we will survie
  • The Mayflower lands In Cape Cod

    The Mayflower lands In Cape Cod
    November 9, the Mayflower ship lands at Cape Cod, Massachusetts, with 101 colonists. On November 11, the Mayflower Compact is signed by the 41 men, establishing a form of local government in which the colonists agree to abide by majority rule and to cooperate for the general good of the colony. The Compact sets the precedent for other colonies as they set up governments. This event is imporntant because the pilgrams arrive on it and without them landing, we probably wouldn't be here.
  • Harvard Founded

    Harvard Founded
    In June, Roger Williams founds Providence and Rhode Island. Williams had been banished from Massachusetts for "new and dangerous opinions" calling for religious and political freedoms, including separation of church and state, not granted under the Puritan rules. Providence then becomes a haven for many other colonists fleeing religious intolerance. This event is imporntant because without Harvard in that time, the older kids wouldn't be educated.
  • America as a Land of Opportunity

    America as a Land of Opportunity
    The most important essay written by an American during the eighteenth century, Franklin's "Observations Concerning the Increase of mankind" was one of the first serious studies of demography. In the early nineteenth century it would serve as an inspiration for Thomas Malthus ,who based his grim law of population on Franklin's calculations.
    This event is imporntant because it served as a insperation for Thomas Malthus who based his grim law of population on Franklin's calculaions.
  • British North America

    British North America Immediately before the American Revolution, there were not just 13 British colonies in the New World; there were thirty, stretching from Guiana on the South American coast to Hudson Bay. this event is important because it describes where they got there most needed resourses.
  • The Deliration of Independence

    The Deliration of Independence
    As the historian Pauline Maier has shown, colonies, localities, and groups of ordinary Americans adopted resolutions endorsing independence. These resolutions encouraged the Continental Congress to appoint a five-member committee to draft a formal declaration of independence. Thomas Jefferson wrote the initial draft, which was then edited by other members of the committee and by Committee and by Congess as a whole. This event is imporntant because it gave us our rights.
  • Lewis and Clark expidition

    Lewis and Clark expidition
    Lewis and Clark led some 30 soldiers and ten civilians on one of history's great adventures. this event is important because we needed to gather info about the geography, natural resources, and people of Louisiana.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    Spain secretly ceded the Louisiana territory--the area stretching from Canada to the Gulf Coast and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains--to France, which closed the port of New Orleans to American farmers. Westerners, left without a port from which to export their goods, exploded with anger. Many demanded war. This event was imporntant because it expanded America.
  • Jefferson in Power

    Jefferson in Power
    Thomas Jefferson's goal as president was to restore the principles of the American Revolution. Not only had the Federalists levied oppressive taxes, they also had subverted civil liberties and expanded the powers of the central government at the expense of the states. A new revolution was necessary, "as real a revolution in the principles of our government as that of 1776 was in its form.
    This event was imporntant because at the time we needed a return to basic republican principles.
  • The Battle of 1812 and the Buring of Washington

    The Battle of 1812 and the Buring of Washington
    American history. Despite its complicated causes and inconclusive outcome, the conflict helped establish the credibility of the young United States among other nations. It also fostered a strong sense of national pride among the American people, and those patriotic feelings are reflected and preserved in the song we know today as our national anthem. This event was imporntain because it marked the conclusion of the American Revolution and the beginning of a new challenges for a new nation.
  • The President is Murdered

    The President is Murdered
    John Wilkes Booth a young actor and Confederate sympathizer entered the presidential box at Ford's Theater in Washington and shot the President in the back of the head. Booth then leaped to the stage, but he caught a spur in a flag draped in front of the box. He fell and broke his leg. As he fled the theater he is said to have cried out: "Sic semper tyrannis"-thus always to tyrants, the motto of the State of Virginia.
    This event was imporntant because Lincion was the first president to be killed