Johnnes Kepler

  • Dec 27, 1571

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    Johnnes Kepler was an astronomer, a mathmatician and a break through scientist who lived 1571-1630. He made many scientific discoveries including the laws of planetary motion, which supported Copernicus' theory that planets orbit the sun.
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    Attended the university of Tubingen where he studied philosophy, excelled in mathematics, and developed his astronomy skills. Kepler even found time to create horscopes for other students.
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    Kepler achieved much of his work around the same time as another astronomer named Galileo. They disagreed but there current work helped spread physics, philosophy and astronomy forward rapidly to a new level of understanding.
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    Kepler played a role in the scientific revolution that occured in the 17th century, contributing a number of scientific breakthroughs including the famous law of planatary revolution. The three laws of planetary motion Kepler created were:
    1)The orbit of every planet is an ellipse with the sun at focus
    2) A line joining a planet and the sun sweeps out equal intervals of time
    3) The square of the orbital period of a planet is directly proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit