1378664 wilk5

John Wilkes Booth's Plan

By Nikki!
  • Period: to

    Booth organized a band of conspiritors such as Lewis Powell, David Herold, John Surratt, George Atzerodt, Samuel Arnold and Michael O'Laughlen

  • Booth puts together a plan to kidnap Lincoln

  • Lincoln's speech makes Booth rage

  • Grand Illumination

  • Booth gathers his conspiritors at the Herndon House Hotel aroud 8:00pm to plan to strike Lincoln

  • Booth plans another mission to kill the union gvt's top leaders which include vice president Johnson, Secratary of state, William Seward and Lincoln.

  • Booth makes a detailed plan on how and what he is going to use to kill Lincoln

  • Booth strikes Lincoln at Ford's Theatre with a gun to the head during the play

  • Lewis Powell attacks Secratary of state William H. Seward, his sons, his daughter and the nurse!

  • Booth flees over the Navy Yard Bridge into Maryland and reaches the bridge between 10:35-10:45!