John f kennedy1963

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

  • John Kennedy was born

    John Kennedy was born
    He borned in Brookling , Massachusetts
  • He went to Harvard University

    He went to Harvard University
  • Kennedy won the primary

    Kennedy won the primary
    between 1948-1950
  • His second son was born

    His second son was born
    Hisname is John
  • Taking his senate seat

    Taking his senate seat
  • Kennedy Married

    Kennedy Married
    He got married with Jackeline Lee Borvier
  • Became a best seller book

    Became a best seller book
  • His first daughter was born

    His first daughter was born
    Her name is Caroline Bouvier
  • Kennedy was nominated President

    Kennedy was nominated President
  • His 3th son was born

    His 3th son was born
    His name was Patrick who only lived a few days after his birth
  • The President was asassinated

    The President was asassinated