
The LIfe of John F. Kennedy

  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy's birth

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy's birth
  • Young John contracts Scarlet Fever

    Young John contracts Scarlet Fever
  • JFK attended Harvard College in 1936

    JFK attended Harvard College in 1936
  • JFK joined the Navy during WWII

    JFK joined the Navy during WWII
  • JFK graduates from Harvard College

    JFK graduates from Harvard College
  • John married Jacqueline Lee Onassis

    John married Jacqueline Lee Onassis
  • Arabella Kennedy was born/died

    Arabella Kennedy was born/died
  • Caroline Kennedy was born

    Caroline Kennedy was born
  • JFK announced his candidancy for president

    JFK announced his candidancy for president
  • John Kennedy Jr. was born

    John Kennedy Jr. was born
  • John F. Kennedy was elected president

    John F. Kennedy was elected president
  • JFK established the Peace Corps

    JFK established the Peace Corps
  • Patrick Bouvier Kenedy was born

    Patrick Bouvier Kenedy was born
  • Patrick Bouvier Kennedy died

    Patrick Bouvier Kennedy died
  • Lee Harvely Oswald assasinats JFK

    Lee Harvely Oswald assasinats JFK