Joel's timeline

  • mccarthyism

    •Senator Joseph McCarthy Begins Communist Witch Hunt.He accussed people of being communist spies, capitolizing on the publics fear.
  • Period: to

    timespan 50's-90's

  • korean war begins

  • Playboy

    •First Playboy Magazine was released.•Joseph Stalin Dies
  • atomic submarine

    •First Atomic Submarine Launched
  • cancer sticks

    Reporter says ciggarettes cause cancer
  • mcdonald's

    •McDonald's Corporation Founded. •Rosa Parks Refuses to Give Up Her Seat on a Bus.
  • Krushchev

    krushchev denounces stalin
  • Sputnik

    soviets launched sputnik space age
  • Soviet space dog

    laika becomes become the first animal in orbit.
  • hula hoop's become popular

    •Hula Hoops Become Popular.LEGO Toy Bricks First Introduced.
  • nasa created

    NASA created
  • LEGO

    LEGO blocls introduced for the first time
  • FDA approves Birth control

    Birth control pills approved by FDA
  • lazer warz :D

    lazers invented
  • Chilean earth quake

    Most Powerful earthquake ever hits Chile
  • Bay of pigs failure

    Bay of pigs invasion
  • soviet tsar bomb

    tsar bomba Largest nuclear bomb ever exploded
  • bay of pigs

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
  • Missle crisis

    the Cuban missle crisis
  • marlinyn monroe

    marilyn monroe found dead
  • Wal-mart

    First wal-mart opened
  • u.s.s.r and u.s.a hotline

    "Hotline" established between U.S.A and U.S.S.R
  • JFK killed

    JFK Assassinated
  • "I have a dream"

    Martin Luther king give the "i have a dream" speech.
  • six day war

    Six-Day War in the Middle East
  • MLK killed

    Martin Luther King Jr. Assassinated
  • Woodstock

    Rock-and-Roll Concert at Woodstock
  • Beatles break up

    Beatles Break Up
  • watergate

    Watergate Scandal Begins
  • Veitnam pullout

    U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam
  • Nixon resigns

    U.S. President Nixon Resigns
  • Elvis dies

    Elvis Found Dead
  • tar wars =D

    Star Wars Movie Released
  • Nuclear accident

    Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island
  • St .Helens erupts

    Mount St. Helens Erupts
  • Reagan shoot

    Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan

    Michael Jackson Releases Thriller
  • Glasnost

    Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika
  • Famine

    Famine in Ethiopia
  • DNA used for the law

    DNA First Used to Convict Criminals