Joan of arc 3

Joan of Arc

  • Period: Jan 1, 1412 to Dec 31, 1435

    Joan of Arc

  • Jan 6, 1412

    Birth of Joan of Arc

    Birth of Joan of Arc
    Joan of Arc ("Jehanne la Pucelle") is born to Jacques d'Arc, a farmer, and Isabella d'Arc in the village of Domrémy. She was born sometime in 1412, although the exact date is unknown. This is significant because without her birth, no other events relating to her would have occured.
    Source: (Stewart 396)
  • Jun 1, 1425

    Joan Hears Voices

    Joan Hears Voices
    At age thirteen, Joan claimed to start hearing voices from God. She said that she heard the voices of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret. She was so convincing that her uncle believed her and helped her begin a journey that would let her gain influence in France. This is significant because her "hearing voices" eventually let her do everything she did.
    Source: (Knight 191) (Lace 29)
  • Jan 9, 1429

    Joan Travels to Vaucouleurs

    Joan Travels to Vaucouleurs
    At age seventeen, Joan convinced her uncle to help her travel to Vaucouleurs and gain an audience with supporters of Charles VII. To get to the city unnoticed, she wore men's clothing and traveled inconspicuously. When she finally met with the king, she told him something that nobody knows, but it was enough to make him believe that she was recieving visions from God. This was significant because she was able to gain the King's attention.
    Source: (Lace 36) (Lace 42)
  • Mar 3, 1429

    Joan Goes Into Battle

    Joan Goes Into Battle
    Eventually, after Joan passes several "tests" to futher convince Charles VII that she was sent from God, she is allowed to go into battle. She wears white armor and a sash with religious symbols on it that she personally designed. She is injured but still manages to take back the Loire bridge. This is significant because this fully convinces Charles VII that she is a capable leader in battle.
    Source: (Pavlac 850-851) (Knight 193)
  • May 7, 1429

    Orleans Retaken

    Orleans Retaken
    Joan of Arc laid seige to Orleans in an attempt to drive out the Anglo - Burgundians. She was very distinctive in battle, riding a white horse while also wearing white armor. This is significant because once she successfuly forced the English to flee across the Loire River, her popularity soared in France.
    Source: (Magill 1158) (Stewart 398)
  • Jul 17, 1429

    Charles VII Crowned King

    Charles VII Crowned King
    Joan of Arc recaptured Reims, the place where kings were traditionally crowned, from the English. Charles VII is successfully crowned king in July of 1429. This is significant because after Joan did this, she pushed to move onwards and try to retake Paris. However, because Chares VII was hesitant to try and do this, when the French eventually attack, they fail because the English were prepared for the attack.
    Source: (Stewart 398)
  • Sep 8, 1429

    Joan Injured

    Joan Injured
    Joan is seriously injured again in battle while trying to take Paris. She is hit in the thigh with an arrow and is then taken to safety against her will. This is significant because Charles loses faith in Joan as he no longer sees her as invincible. This marks the beginning of him beginning to distrust her advice and descisions.
    Source: (Lace 77-79)
  • May 23, 1430

    Joan Captured

    Joan Captured
    On May 23, during a failed attack on Compeigne, Joan is left for dead after she is thrown from her horse. She was taken captive by the Burgundians who then sold her to the English. She was charged for over 70 things, but they are eventually narrowed down to only twelve things.This is significant because she is eventually burned at the stake for these charges.
    Source: (Stewart 398) (Magill 1159-1160)
  • May 31, 1431

    Death of Joan of Arc

    Death of Joan of Arc
    Authorities announced her death sentence after she defied orders and wore men's clothes again. She was considered a "relapsed" heretic and Joan of Arc was burned at the stake in the Rouen marketplace at nineteen years old. This is significant because she was no longer able to fight for Paris and became seen as a martyr.
    Source: (Knight 197) (Pavlac 851)
  • Dec 9, 1503

    Mona Lisa Painted

    Mona Lisa Painted
    Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503 and finished in 1507. He kept possession of the painting for a couple of years for debated resons, but eventually sold it to the French king. This is significant because the painting has become one of the most famous paintings in history.
    Source: (Leonardo da Vinci Arts4All)
  • Discovery of Gravity

    Discovery of Gravity
    Sir Isaac Neweton discovered the law of gravity during the summer of the year 1655, when he saw an apple fall from an apple tree. He later published a book, called "The Principa", where he wrote about what he saw, on July 5, 1687. This is significant because this proved Kepler's scientific theories right. This discovery was a huge advancement in the scientific field.
    Source: (Exploring: Gravity Colgren Communications)
  • Pennsylvania Founded

    Pennsylvania Founded
    William Penn, a famous Quaker, founded Pennsylvania. He was able to found Pennsylvania because he was given a land grant by the king because the king had owed his father a debt. This is significant because Pennsylvania later became a U.S. state where many people live today.
    Source: (16th and 17th Century Turning Points in U.S. History: 1619-1699)
  • Louisiana Territory Purchased

    Louisiana Territory Purchased
    The Louisiana Territory was purchased from France, who was ruled by Napoleon at the time, by Thomas Jefferson. The territory, which was all land to the west of the Mississippi that was owned by France, was bought for about three cents per acre. This is significant because this transaction doubled America's size at this point. This also led to Lewis and Clark's journey, which later led to further expansion of the United States territory.
    Source: The Formation of the Union and Its Early Challenges
  • Helen Keller Born

    Helen Keller Born
    Helen Keller is born on June 27, 1880, to Arthur Keller and Katherine Keller. At 19 months, she lost both her sight and her hearing. This is significant because she would go on to become a lecturer, using the attention she had gathered to draw attention to many issues. She would lecture about pacifism and women's sufferage, among many other things.
    Source: (Animated Hero Classics: Helen Keller NEST)
  • Poision Gas Used

    Poision Gas Used
    Poision gas is used for the first time in war. It is used by the Germans against the Russians in a battle during World War One. This is significant because poision gas is later used to kill many people during times of warfare.
    Source: (American History: The Rise of the Twentieth Century)
  • Joan Declared Saint

    Joan Declared Saint
    Joan of Arc was officially canonized by Pope Benedict XV on May 16, 1920. The ceremony took place in the St. Peter Basilica with 30,000 atendees, 140 of which who were descended from Joan of Arc's family. This event was significant because she was declared the patron saint of France and soldiers.
    Souce: (Pavlac 851)