(JM)-People of Spark-Jeanne DuPrau-Fiction-323

  • chapters1-6 ,pages1-58

    chapters1-6 ,pages1-58
    The people of Ember entered Spark. They are then excepted and moved to the Pioneer Hotel to stay for six months. The People of Ember will work around the town and be trained to build there own city.Read 58 pages Runing total 58
  • chapter 6 pages 58-73

    chapter 6 pages 58-73
    Lina gets familiar with the doctors house where she is staying. She also learns about the disaster that caused her ancestors to move under ground. The next day she eats breakfast with foods she has never tried and checks on her sick sister.
    pages read-15 Runnning total-73
  • chapter 7-8 pages 73-90

    chapter 7-8 pages 73-90
    Doon and his father along with the other people from ember started working on projects and learning the nessasary skills to mak their own town.They also recieved the family name of wich they would be eating lunch and dinner with. Lina also met a romer who was selling goods in the middle of town.( A romer is a person who travels the un inhabited areas looking for goods) pages read-17 running total-90
  • chapters 8 and 9 and pages 90-110

    chapters 8 and 9 and pages 90-110
    Lina saw a bike for the first time and decided she wanted to learn how to ride. So she learned how to ride and then later that day she went and met Doon for the first time since they had arrived in sparks. Doon Returned to his conversation with his freinds when she left. Pages read-20 Running total-110
  • chapters 10-12 pages 110-133

    chapters 10-12 pages 110-133
    Lina talks with Torren(the doctors Nephew) and he shows her some of his prize posetions that his brother had brought back from his trips as a romer. Doon participated in several of Ticks projects(a Boy from ember taking on a leadership role). Doon also started some of his own projects and help an older man find somthing to do during the day. Pages read-23 running total-133
  • chapters12-24 pages 133-260

    chapters12-24 pages 133-260
    Lina met Torrens brother and when he said he was going to an aceint city she snuck in and went with them. she later got to the city and ran away with torrens brother partner, maddy. Maddy and Lina met anther romer and made freinds and got a ride back to Sparks. In Sparks situations happen and the people of sparks and the people of ember are on the brink of war and doon doesnt know what he should do but disagrees with Tick who is wanting war. Pages read-127 Running total-260pages
  • chapters24-28 pages 260-310

    chapters24-28 pages 260-310
    Lina returns with Maddy to Sparks and finds that the embrites are going to fight with the people of sparks the next day. The fight happens and the sparks weapon misfirs and blows up a tree catches on fire. Lina jumps into the fire lines and soon one by one all of the embrites but Tick and a few others join in to help put out the unwanted fire. This built up some friendship between the to gruops and it is undesided what the people from Ember will do.
    Pages read-50 running total-31
  • chapters 28-29 pages read 310-333

    As the book come to an end the people of sparks invite the people to stay. The embrites except and the have peace. The book ends with them telling of how they are going to build houses and how this new join is going to look. Pages read-20 running total-333