Jillypop Land

  • Establishment of Jillypop Land

    Establishment of Jillypop Land
    This was the paper I signed In the begining of the start of my country. It explained the rules and consequences of Jillypop Land. This document established a Democratic country with fair rights for all citizens.
  • The Battle of Abry

    The Battle of Abry
    In the middle of the night the British snuck in by boat of Linyerd Harbor and woke up Jillypop Land from its sleep. The British stole the Jillypop Land people and took them to London to punish and to kill them for taking the land they wanted. President Jill Rosenblum took actions and in 20 days of battle. She had stopped the British and starved them to death in the Abry Jail.
  • The War of Cute Island

    The War of Cute Island
    Jillypop Land thought they were free of the British, but shortly the Battle of Abry, the British came back. This time attacking Cute Island by ship. The British got a hold of some island children and kept them hostage on their ship, but they never returned. They kept fignting, but the British ran out of amunition so their forces left.
  • Famine on the Plains

    Famine on the Plains
    Because of all the fires at the Wild Man Plain, it burned all the farmers crops down and this caused the Famine on the Plains. Everyone was forced to evacute the area and walk on foot to Waywest MNT. Range in search for shelter and food. This disaster went until the next summer of 1932.
  • The Robbery at the Bank of Candino

    The Robbery at the Bank of Candino
    At 8:00 right the bank opended, 12 men disguised as lawyers of Willow came in early and the casheir allowed them to take 5,000,000 dollars out of the bank to use for a case. Two weeks later while they wsere on the streets the police noticed something suspcious and arrested them immediately.
  • The Hurricane of Liiza

    The Hurricane of Liiza
    Hurricane Liiza roared in Cape Sugar at 4:30 AM. Houses on the coast were swept away and all that was left was a tragedy.The area got hit by a 23 fooot wave and had 25 inches of rain fall. It took several months for the peole to rbuild and return home.
  • The Centennial of Jillypop Land

    The Centennial of Jillypop Land
    The people feasted and watched the traditional Jillypop Land dance. They spent time with their family and friends and remembered the people that died for their country. They floated big, giant balloons in the air to symbolized their happiness!! :):):):)