Jasmine timeline term 2

  • tomorrow when the war began

    tomorrow when the war began
    tomorrow when the war began is a book that mr xasey recomended for me
  • tomorrow when the war began

    tomorrow when the war began
    tomorrow when the war began is a really good book about teenagers going camping but while they are away are war happens and they are left by themselfs
  • letters from the inside

    letters from the inside
    this book I chose after I read tomorrow when the war began because I thought another book from this author
  • letters from the inside

    letters from the inside
    this is a really good book about two teenage girls writing letters to eachother I recommend it to girls in particular
  • the phoenix files arival

    the phoenix files arival
    I got this book recomended to me by Mr Casey.
  • the phoenix files arival

    the phoenix files arival
    this is a really good book with a twist you don t want to put the book down. This is the best book I have ever read.
  • the phoenix files contact

    the phoenix files contact
    I chose this book because its the second book in the awesome series. I am enjoying it already