Japanese timeline

  • 250

    Kofun Period (250 - 538 AD)

    The first Asian tribes settle on the island named Kyushu. Then the Yamato Clan created the first big colony and called it Nara, which was on the island of Honshu. Nara then became the first capital city of Japan.
  • May 4, 794

    Heian Period (794 - 1185 AD)

    The power of this period came completely up to the emperors. In this time the capital was in Heian-Kyo which is now later on known as Kyoto. But during this period this is when everyone started to become samurai.
  • May 10, 1185

    Kamakura Period (1185 - 1333)

    During this period the Shoguns basically ruled over everything and they were Japanese government ruled by military leaders. Also at this time, they introduced gunpowder into Japan.
  • Edo Period (1603 - 1867)

    The rulers (Shoguns) the capital was finally moved to Edo (Now known as Tokyo). Then japan found isolation under the Shogunate governing ways.