Japan feudal structure

Japanese Feudalism Timeline

  • Period: Jan 1, 710 to

    Nara Period

    The first major period in Japan History.
  • Jan 1, 720

    Nihon Shoki

    Nihon Shoki
    Nihon Shoki ( the chronicles of Japan) first compiled.
  • Mar 4, 1000

    Ancient Japan

    Ancient Japan
    Ancient Japan: Emperors ruled Japan
  • Jul 19, 1160

    Taira Kiyomiri

    Taira Kiyomiri
    In 1160 CE Taira Kiyomiri slays Minamoto Yoritomo
  • Period: Jan 1, 1185 to Dec 31, 1336

    Kamakura Period

    This period is known for the emergence of the Samurai, the warrior castle and establishment of feudalism in Japan.
  • May 18, 1185

    Minamoto Yoritomo

    Minamoto Yoritomo
    In 1185CE Minamoto Yoritomo establishes the Kamakura bakufu.
  • Aug 23, 1192

    Minamoto Yoritomo

    Minamoto Yoritomo
    In 1192CE Minamoto Yoritomo gains the title of Shogun.
  • Oct 19, 1200

    Medieval Japan

    Medieval Japan
    Medieval Japan: Shoguns ruled Japan.
  • Feb 19, 1274


    In 1274 CE the mongols try to invade Japan.
  • Jun 14, 1281


    In 1281 CE the monogls try to invade Japan again.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1336 to Dec 31, 1534

    Ashikaga Period

    This period marks the government of the Muromachi.
  • Jul 23, 1336

    Ashikaga Takauji

    Ashikaga Takauji
    In 1336 CE Ashikaga Takauji overthrows the Kamakura bakufu.
  • Dec 12, 1400

    Medieval Japan

    Medieval Japan
    Medieval Japan: Shoguns ruled Japan.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1534 to

    Sengoku - Jidai: Period of Country at War

    This would lead to political power.
  • Mar 12, 1575

    Battle of Nagashino

    Battle of Nagashino
    One of the interesting things about the film Kagemusha is that is based on a real battle, the Battle of Nagashino in 1575.
  • Sep 29, 1582

    Oda Nobunaga

    Oda Nobunaga
    Oda Nobunaga Dies.
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi

    Toyotomi Hideyoshi
    Toyotomi Hideyoshi conquers all of Japan.
  • Medieval Japan

    Medieval Japan
    Medieval Japan: Shoguns ruled Japan.
  • Period: to

    Tokugawa Period

    The Tokugawa period is known for the status system.
  • Tokugawa Leyasu

    Tokugawa Leyasu
    In 1616 CE Tokugawa Leyasu gives the title of Shogun to his son.
  • Medieval Japan

    Medieval Japan
    Medieval Japan: Shoguns ruled Japan.
  • Commodore Matthew Perry

    Commodore Matthew Perry
    In 1853 CE Commodore Matthew Perry arrives in Japan.
  • Meiji Restoration

    In 1868 Ce the Meiji Restoration begins.
  • Ancient Japan

    Ancient Japan
    Ancient Japan: Emperor ruled Japan
  • Period: to Dec 31, 1185

    Heian Period

    Heian was the early name for Kyoto.